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I pulled my bright yellow skater dress over my head slowly, being ever so careful as to not rip it in any way. It slid over my chest, or lack there off, and firmly onto my waist, hugging my sides in a way that made me feel overly self conscious.

I smoothed the skirt out and pulled the dress as low as it could go, which was barely to my mid thigh. I pulled on my pitch black stiletto heels and fastened the straps, instantly cutting off the circulation to my feet in a painstakingly tight yank of the strap.

I stood up slowly, trying not to fall and break my neck in the process, and turned to the mirror to observe myself.

The dress clung tightly to my waist and arms, but it hung loosely where my hips and breasts should be, but inconveniently weren't. It looked weird on my cereal box shape, hanging loose where the manufacturers expected you to have curves, and where I didn't. My wings came awkwardly to the top, bending in a way that almost looked frightening. The holes in the back meant to allow them breathing room gripped them tightly, causing my back to sting badly. The things I sacrificed for the sake of society.

I frowned as the shoulders kept slipping off, exposing half my sports bra every time I moved my arm.

Everything wasn't all bad thought, the yellow made my blue eyes pop, and my dull black hair looked vibrant and alive for once. Maybe I should wear it. Maybe.

"Fuck this." I sighed, yanking the dress off, not bothering to prevent rips as it clung to my waist, the fabric pleading for me not to take the dress out, to just give it a chance.

To fucking bad, I thought as I threw my shoes off, yanking open my closet door and grabbing my go-to outfit. An oversized, white t-shirt tucked into ripped, faded blue jeans with combat boots and a black choker.
I stood in front of the mirror, cursing out my figure that never allows me to wear anything cute as I pulled my hair into a messy bun.

I grabbed my makeup bag, pulling out my mascara and quickly throwing some on, curling my eyelashes in 2 seconds flat and grabbing my purse on the way out of my room.

As I walked into the kitchen of my 15th floor apartment that overlooked the city of Bidrum in the most fashionable way, giving me a view of the ocean.

I scrunched my nose up as I looked out to the vast ocean, knowing dozens of disgusting mermaids swarmed the waters, doing disgusting....mermaid things.

Ok so maybe I don't have anything solid to hate Mermaids for, but I'm a Faerie, and it's in our blood to despise those little sea sluts. My best friend Fauna always says I hate them because they have a bigger rack then I do, but that is so not why..

Who do they think they were swarming the ocean in scantily-clad tops and breaking the hearts of any man who should come close to them? It boiled my blood to think about their behavior in that slimey ocean.

I opened my fridge, grabbing a bowl of strawberries I had prepared last night, knowing future me was going to wake up late for lunch plans. I shoved 6 in my mouth and chewed quickly, practically throwing the bowl back in the fridge and slamming it shut.

Grabbing my purse I paced to the front door, opening it quickly and stepping out.

As I fumbled with my keys, trying to find the one key I actually had on the keychain and not the countless other keychains connected, I heard a door open and close and heavy footsteps.
I sighed heavily, trying to make it obvious I was annoyed by him, him being my neighbor across the hall, Nathaniel Cook. The most annoying man in existence according to me, but the hottest according to every female in the metropolitan area.

I turned to him and gave a week smile, holding back from rolling my eyes.

"Hey Eclipse." He cooed, running his perfectly sharpened nails through his dark black hair, his deep blue eyes running greedily over my body. A shiver went up my spine as he grinned a bit as he looked me up and down.

"Hello Nathaniel." I said as politely as I could while also using my "back off" tone. I fumbled more with my keys, desperately trying to pretend like I had the key so he wouldn't see me as a damsel in distress.

"Let me help you with that, Eclipse."  Nathaniel asked, using his whole "a girls in distress I must help her so later tonight my dick won't be so lonely" voice.

To late.

Without even bothering to see if I wanted help he yanked the keys from my hands and untangled it in a split second, his fingers moving so fastly they looked like a fan. He handed the keys back to me, flashing a long fanged smile, his pearly whites actually sparkling as his eyes flashed a deep amber quickly.

"Thanks." I said, grabbing my keys back and trying to move past him. I should have known better than to try to escape a vampire because he was in front of me, his hand gripping my shoulder tightly, in a split second.

"How about we go for dinner later tonight? I know this excellent steakhouse that I've been just dying to go back to." He joked, looking down at me expectantly.

"No thanks, I have plans tonight, with a friend." I said, probably a little more venomous than I should have. I shoved passed Nathaniel rather hastily, stomping over to the staircase door and throwing it open. I was down a flight of stairs so fast he couldn't even think to chase after me.

Once I was outside I ran to the side of the street,  scanning the road to see if there were any Pegasi open for transporting. As I scanned I saw none, they all flew carriages full of passengers, even the double decker ones were full.

"Goddamnit!" I cursed, stomping my food down on the ground. I had to walk 13 blocks to get to the restaurant we were supposed to eat at. I pulled out my phone and dialed Fuanas phone number, realizing it was already 12:00 and cursing more.

"Hello?" A voice came over the line.

"Yeah hey Fauna, I won't be there in time, there are no Pegasi available and it's 13 blocks and you know I'm not running that." I explained, feeling like a jerk for being late.

"It's all good honey, I'll order myself some soup and I'll wait for you. You should only be 30 minutes anyways." She said warmly filling me with a great relief.

"Thank you so much Fauna!" I exclaimed, giddy at the fact she wasn't mad at me.

"No problem Eclipse, see you in 30 sweetie." She kindly exclaimed, ending the call before I got the chance to say bye. I shoved my phone in my bag and started on my not so merry way, trying not to curse anymore as my heels already ached 18 steps in.

I was 4 blocks away when I passed a cute looking pond that was filled with lilies. I paused, lilies were Fauna's favorite flower. I bit my lip and looked onward, 4 blocks wasn't so far, and getting this lilie would let me rest my feet. I stepped onto the grass, walking as lightly as I could, trying not to get mud on my boots as I walked. I neared the ponds edge, peering into the water. It only looked inches deep. I reached my hand towards the water hesitating, the water was a deep green, hard to actually tell how deep the water was.

Stupid, it's only a few inches, or like two feet at most just get the stupid flower and go, I hissed at myself. I shrugged the doubt that clouded my mind away and plunged my hand in the water.

Before I had time to even register my hand was under the water sharp teeth plunged deep into my wrist yanking me under the water. Before I had time to scream I was under the water, being dragged, down, down, down, down.

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