❤️Chapter 7❤️

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A/n: hello everyone, hope you had still remember this book. As I said, I will update when I would be feeling better.
Well, I lied..
I just finished my arm surgery and I am now updating my book
Wow, Hahaha. But don't worry, I will feel better soon. And I hope I will discharge too.

Besides, I don't like keeping my family/readers waiting. So here it is, enjoy!.


Mark Lee's POV

"NO!!. Please no. Ten please no!"

I fell on the floor and cried for my life, my fate. I felt so alone. Helpless. Hopeless.

"No", I said as I woke up. He left but why doesn't those nightmare leave with it. I felt a tear trickle down my face. I wiped it away and looked at the clock and it's 9.00 A.M. Today is Sunday. So no office.

Office. The only thing on my mind this whole week was one person. Taeyong.

I became a little comfortable with him. He's not that bad like how everyone thinks he is. He is good, well atleast with me. Johnny tried to talk to me but every time, Taeyong stops him. At one point, Taeyong got angry and almost fired the poor guy. Johnny really is a good guy.

Taeyong was trying to be romantic. He even tried to seduce me. But it didn't work.

'okay, maybe a little...or a lot..'

He even made me sit on his lap. At first I panicked, but somehow, it felt nice. I don't know if I should trust someone so easily after..him, but I like being with Taeyong.

My door bell rang and brought me out of my thoughts. I slowly got out of my bed and went to the front door to open it. There stood donghyuck. I smiled at the younger very happy to see him.

"Yo Donghyuck", I said in my morning voice. He said he would be coming over today and with that, we will have some guy time.

He came in as I opened the door wide for him.

"Hey Mark, still sleep? Come on, let's rock today", he said like always. Very energetic. I smiled at him and we both sat on the couch.

We talked, watched movies, made jokes but those things didn't bring much smile from me. I would sometimes slip into thinking of Taeyong. That guy effects my brain so much.

Soon it was evening and Donghyuck and I are getting ready for tonight. We are both planning on going to a local club and get out groove on.

"Oh come on Mark, wear it. Trust me, it'll look smashing on you." Donghyuck said with hope in his eyes.

I tried to denied him but he somehow was able to make me wear it anyways. For God sake, this boy can make me do anything.

We got ready and looked at ourselves in the mirror.

"Donghyuck, don't you think it looks weird on me?", I said while looking at myself in the mirror. The younger gave me a death glare. I instantly shit my mouth and followed him.

We went to a club and I sat near the bar. Donghyuck on the other hand was enjoying himself. He was drinking amd even dancing with some random guys. I took a shot of beer and I don't know what else Donghyuck made me drink. The younger soon was finished dancing with some guys while I was completely and utterly wasted.

Donghyuck dragged me on the dance floor. I was dancing like crazy as if there was no tomorrow. I swayed my hips side to side without even caring what would happened.

Suddenly someone came from behind and slipped their hands on my hips and started dancing. I didn't mind it. I kept dancing and ever grinded my ass on the person's cock.

"Let's get out of here baby", he saidy and I was following him out without any thoughts. I felt a little uncomfortable when he started kissing me. I tried to push him away, but he went more further as I tried.

I am now trashing hard, but he held me. I don't know who this guy is but he is kissing my neck and down. God help me. I looked at his face and suddenly my gut felt like exploding. The guy...the guy looked like Ten!.

"Help, help", I cried out hard. Ten slapped me, I am sure would leave a mark.

I held my cheek on where he slapped.

"Stay quite", he hissed and went his way on me. I couldn't do anything. I cried and cried.

Suddenly the weight of  Ten was no longer on me. He was pulled away. I looked at my saviour and it was none other than Taeyong. I quickly went to him and hugged him.

"Taeyong, please save me. He is going to come back. Please, please" I cried with full tears.

"It's okay, it's okay. I am here, no one will ever come and harm you", he said soothingly as he cradled me against him.

"Taeyong, Ten is going to come. I don't want him, Taeyong. Please take me with you. Please, please", I said sobbing hard. He kissed my forehead and whispered soothing words into my eat.

With that I slowly drifted of to sleep.

Hope you had enjoyed it.
Sorry for the late update.

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