I'm Sorry

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On the outside I feel strong.
But inside I feel like a coward.
I'm sitting here at the end of my rope.
There is no hope.
It's evaporated.
People walk in circles with heads hung low.
The flame on the candle waits to have some one blow.
It's the end.
Forever more.
Forever less.
Violence's strikes upon the innocent.
Peace is more of what we need.
Yeah in a bed room there is pain and it bleeds.
Some hide there feelings.
Others express.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
The world is a pit of hate.
Where is the love.
It's just too late.
Never will I ever pull a lever to unleash my pain.
I want to be no one's burden.
I'm just here.
Soon to be there.
Every thing crumbles in the end and that's why I worry.
I'm sorry

Ezlions poetry book volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now