Part 10

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Three months had passed since me and tom had found out I was pregnant. I had started to show and now every time someone noticed they would come over and congratulate me. Tom had asked for more hours at his work place so that he could have enough money to put towards the baby. I had got a promotion and only make £12 an hour at Costa. I managed to get a job at a radio station to get a bit more cash for me and Tom to live on. Also, Tom sold his apartment and moved in with me since we had been going out for ages. So far only Tom, Kylie and Harry know -out of the family- that I am pregnant because if my parents found out I was having a baby they would have a rant about how nineteen isn't an age to have a baby and you need to wait until you are like twenty-five.

With our apartment only having two rooms, me and Tom are thinking about moving because we will probably need more space for child. We have seen some apartments and a house that we could afford. Kylie has been seeing someone. I don't know his name, but I know that she meet him when she was in New York and has been talking to him ever since. As for Harry, he was living in Los Angeles, working hard to become an actor and to make it big.

The days are very cold, only getting up to nine degrees and the lowest of four degrees. The snow which had once covered the streets was nearly all gone but you could tell that it was going to come back any minute. The taxis that drove past the building stud out and reminded me of the summer months when I could wear sandals and enjoy the sun. The summer was quite hot reaching temperature between 25- 26 degrees. As the thoughts of summer flooded my mind, my phone roared with the song 'feel it' by Jacques. I jumped out of bed and went to get my phone, only to find out that my mate from work was calling me.

"Shay, can u please come and help me at work?" she said as soon as I answered the phone. "Why, do u need help at work Jessica?" I asked, wanting to know why she needed me. "I need your help because it is mad down here. The line is massive, and Ava said she will pay you double if you do it."

I thought about the other for a second and decided I will do it. I hung up the phone on her and quickly got ready, applying a natural makeup look and putting my hair up in a messy bun. It took me about ten minutes to get to costa. As I walked in, I immediately understood what Jessica was talking about by being crazy. The line was out of the door and there were only three people at the counters. I looked at my phone since it had buzzed, and it was only Tom to see where I was. I told him what I was doing and had a quick look at the time. The time was 12:46 and I thought that an evening shift was bad.

The day went quite quick apart from the fact that you had a few people complaining about the service and complaining that waiting in the line made them late for work but me and Jessica didn't care. When everyone had gone and me and Jess decided to close. Charlie and Amira left ten minutes after we had closed, leaving me and Jess to do all of the work which only took us about an hour to do. I stayed behind ten minutes after we were finished to make sure everything was clean and alright.

I was going to get my things when I heard a knock on the door. In the pouring rain stood two men obviously look for refuge or something. I thought about letting them in for a couple of seconds until I decided that I should be a good person and let them in. As I opened the door the two men ran in, leaving muddy shoe prints on the floor. I told them to have a seat while I go and find some towels. When I came back after about fifteen minutes the men had tried to dry off but failed miserably. I passed / chucked the towels to the men.

After they had dried their hair and some of their clothes, I immediately noticed who they were. I was going to say something until the taller man spoke, "Hi, thank you so much for letting us in."

" It is fine, I just didn't want to leave you in the rain"

Right as the tall man was going to speak the shorter one by about two inches said, " Are you pregnant miss?"

"Yeah I am" I said, looking at the floor.

" Congratulations miss, may I ask your name" the shorter one said.

" Yes, it's Shay and you."

"Niall, and this is my dear friend Luke" he said. I looked at them quizzically.

"Do you want anything to drink" I ask, feeling rude not offering them one sooner.

"No thanks" they say in sync, making me think they had planned this.

We waited an hour and a half until the rain finally stopped. As Niall and Luke left, Luke decided to give me his number so that we could hang out some time. When I finally got home it was half seven and I was shattered. I had a quick shower and decided to watch a movie until Tom got back. At nine, Tom finally got back putting the game on to watch the end of it, which really annoyed me. As a team scored Tom's phone rang. He walked into the spare bedroom and left me to watch the game. Tom came out of the room after about ten minutes with a look of shock on his face. He threw his phone on to the floor and sat next to me putting his head on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand for comfort and he put my movie back on. When I decided to go to bed Tom, suddenly said, "Noah is in Los Angeles with Harry."
Author's note
If you noticed a change in grammar or punctuation I have found myself someone to edit my work. They just check for spelling and punctuation mistakes, so don't worry they won't change any of my writing or the plot.
Love you all!!
Keep reading 😁

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