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Michael reached out. "Well you can't stay here" his hand swiped right through Gavin. As if he wasn't real.

"Ah, ah, ah. I don't think you understand. I'm not leaving" Gavin look a bite of his candy bar.

"Ugh! fuck off okay!"

"No thanks. My tricks have just begun."

"Look I have to wake up early to go back to Ross tomorrow so please leave" Michael groaned as he climbed into bed.

"Fine. I'll let you sleep" Gavin giggled as he dissolved into nothing.

"This is about to get interesting I can tell." Ray sighed.

"I want you to find everything you can on how to catch that fucker."

"Sure thing" Ray turned over in his bed as Michael turned out the lights.


Michael was in a hotel. Not the one he had just fallen asleep in, a different one. It only had one bed and wasn't very big.

He heard a giggle, a familiar one, as hands ran up his thighs and under his shirt. His eyes were brought down to the foreign hands.

Gavin's smug grin greeted him.

"What the hell-" Michael started but one of Gavin's fingers silenced him, brushing over his lips.

He quickly realized he was tied to the bed, with his hands cuffed to it. "Just enjoy hmm?" The trickster smiled.

Michael felt panic begin to settle, no way this was real. Then it hit him. Strange dreams. This wasn't horrific though, it was pornagraphic. "How the hell are you doing this?" his breath hitched when he felt Gavin's fingers trace his inner thighs.

"I can do whatever I want. I'm a trickster, love. Your not safe anywhere."

The slow movements of Gavin's fingers was, against his own will, turning him on. "W-why this?" he stuttered out.

"Why not. and your enjoying yourself it would seem." The trickster giggled. "Why don't you stop talking."

Michael went to speak but there was cloth in his mouth. Tied around the back of his head.

"Let's get these off" Gavin's fingers undid his pants carefully. Michael struggled as he watched, trying to speak against the makeshift gag in his mouth.

Gavin's eyes met his as he mouthed the tent in mike's boxers. He let out a groan, the bright green eyes of the trickster starring into his brown ones.

He let his head fall back, trying to keep his mind off it. He closed his eyes and tried to conjure up a girl. Any girl would have done well but he could only imagine Gavin.

The tricksters fingers slowly pulls his boxers down and Michael buried his face in his bicep, letting out a small whine into the cloth.

Gavin chuckled "wow. Look at you." He felt the tricksters lips slide over his member. He couldn't help but groan at the feeling.

The tricksters mouth took him all the way in. Then all the way back out, giving him a wet lick up his shaft.

Michael moaned, he couldn't help his hips from thrusting up into Gavin. Suddenly the man was gone. He looked down, confused.

"Now now, I'm only human" Gavin giggled. "Not really but no more of that"

Michael nodded vigorously and Gavin smiled. "Good boy" the trickster kissed his thigh, it was a sweet touch and then the lips were back on his member.

Gavin began to bob his head, he'd admit, the trickster had a talented mouth. He was vey close to his end. He couldn't help but thrust up again, this time Gavin just took it.

Right when he was about to fill the tricksters mouth the lips were gone with a soft 'pop'. Michael looked down, eyes wide.

Gavin grinned and winked " see you in the morning"


Michael woke up gasping, his eyes flew open and he sat straight up. "Son of a bitch!" He was already getting out his small pistol.

"Hmm!? What!?" Ray sat up with a jolt. There next to him, floating in mid air and grinning was Gavin.

"How'd you sleep, love?" The trickster giggled. Michael was up and slamming the trickster against a wall in minuets.

"Gonna just take me right here?" Gavin smiled. Michael pressed the cold steel of his gun to Gavin's forehead.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Easy Michael! He's just trying to get you riled up."

"Oh I was doing much more then that last night"

"What does he mean?"

Michael pushed his arm into Gavin's throat. "First, You tied me to a bed. Second, you had oral sex with me. Third, you left me hanging" he pressed the gun in firmly.

Gavin giggled and Ray's jaw dropped. "I did no such thing. You were dreaming"

"Yah fucking right, shit stain"

"Michael! Don't shoot! Just step down"

Michael let the trickster down and began to walk away. Gavin's grin returned and he said "you liked it though, your a little whore Michael"

"That's it" Michael pulled the trigger.

"No!" Ray yelled.

The bullet hole went through Gavin's head. The wound pulled itself back together and the trickster moved his head. The bullet had gone into the next room.

Gavin breathed through his teeth and then tsked. "Looks like we are gonna be hearing from the cops. Good luck" the trickster evaporated.

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