~ Rant ~

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Apparently seeing beautiful accounts getting deleted for no fucking reason wasn't enough.

Now I just witnessed some ship war on YouTube comments and I'm even more pissed than I already was.
G r e a t.

I just have one question : why won't people fucking r e s p e c t eachother ??

Seriously, what the fuck ? Just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you, you just start overreacting and insulting others ?

Well that's what I call a fucking crybaby.

"oH nOoOoO hOw dArE yOu nOt sHiP (insert ship here) yOu mOnStEr dIe aLrEaDy"

Um, shut the fuck up ? I ship whatever the hell I want and it's not a dumbass with a BakuDeku p*rn profile pic that will change my mind about anything.

I've seen people stop being f r i e n d s because of a ship war. That's how seriously people take that bullshit. (One shipped ZeLink, the other shipped MidLink.... Pathetic.)

I have a ship reaction book in my drafts, and this kind of hate is the reason why I haven't posted it yet. I don't want this trash on my book.

I don't want people insulting me because I ship Todomomo or whatever other ship I like, or worse, people insulting eachother in the comments.

Now, lemme be clear : y'all can like whatever ship you want, I don't give a damn about it. I might be utterly disgusted by some ships (Hey there IzuMight -), but that doesn't mean that I won't respect you.

See, it's that fucking simple.

That's all for now, bye.

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