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I'm Shillah Jogia.Im 15 years.
We live in Canada.My parents travel a alot so most of the times am home alone..
The day starts well all about waking up when my mom wakes me up to start a whole new life.She was on her off weak which means I had to wake up early no being late to school.I heard my alarm go off it was 6:30 .

I had to be at school at 8. I went to the shower for almost half an hour.I wore a pair of black jeans,a white crop top and a pair of  Doc Martens.I put my hair in messy bun and applied make up which was not much a mascara and a lipgloss was fine .

I climbed down the stairs taking  my back pack.My mum was to drive me
to the new school since we just moved in.

*Past driving*
I dont have breakfast when am nervous .My sister Khoneigh called she is an air hostess of a Portugal airport she called me and wished me luck on the first day of high school.

I was given the schedule and my mum hugged me good bye.As I was staring at the schedule I bumped to a group of boys which one of them had milkshake which spilt over my Schedule I was so freaked as I picked it up.I said sorry to them when I picked my schedule up when i noticed one of the boys he used to be in my middle school but he was a year older .
"Ooh ,Hey Kardley?" I greated him as I went .The group at him as he was so happy since we used to be best of friends.
"Hey,Hey,Hey".I heard Kardley shouting at me.
I stood waiting for him to come and he was panting all over he said "Wait ,Wait Shillah,were you going let me show you around ."he said looking at my schedule,"Let's fix that".

e went and he requested for another copy from the secretary who was so nice.

I was entering the cafeteria when I noticed a girl crying.I felt bad for her I went towards her and asked politely.
"Hey,what's wrong."  She looked at me and she answered,"My mum went to another country and she had an accident coming back,she's the only one I have and have no courage to see her at the hospital,my name is Shannon Armis."she told me crying...
"How about after last period we go with you to see her,am Shillah Jogia." She smiled and agreed we went in the cafeteria and picked our lunch and found a seat.

After class we went to see her mother she was fine apart from a twisted ankle.I went back home and did my homework when my phone buzzed I picked it up and saw a text from Kardley and smiled since he was my since kindergarten crush.He called and we talked about my new friend and how his friends were sorry for what happened earlier.I hold on his call when my dad called for a Skype ,our relationship was not that good since he cheated on my mother and they got divorced after some more misunderstanding he was one of the  richest people available around he wanted to give me my gift since my birthday was last week and was out of the country.He promised to give it at school of which he loved the attention and Kardley loved how he tried to make up for the lost time.

Next day on school there was a parade I tensed and Kardley knew exactly what was going on.He held my hand which made me feel great .The school was shocked when they saw my father since he was well known and he called my name and the whole school turned to look for that name since I was new.He shouted Kardley's name and since Everyone knew him and he came in front holding my hand    tightly he gave me the keys to a car and everybody was amazed which I hated the attention and now everybody was going to treat me differently because of my dad..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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