Part 2

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After two weeks, you were finally settled into your old bedroom. Of course your old room needed some major redecorating, since you weren't really into pink wallpaper and boy band posters anymore. Dad didn't take out anything from your room. It was like how you had left it so many years ago. The house was right by the shop, just like how  your farther wanted. It was convenient for him to go back home during lunch or take a quick nap from time to time.

He had worked really hard to give you and your mother a goof life. As the years passed, mom and dad just grew apart. Dad's shop was his escape and mom felt that. Eventually they divorced. And in time, you realized too that it was the best for them both.

As you looked out your window, you could see the shops activities. All the guys working on the cars and customers coming in and out. It  was steady flow. Business was good for your dad.

As you looked around the shop, you eyed Chris. You had a sudden instinct to bite your bottom lip when you saw him. He  was parking his red truck in front of the garage. It didn't surprise you that he still owned the car. He loved that old truck more that anything. It was still in great shape, a classic 1972 ford F100. He looked like he could walked out of a timely magazine looking like he did. He was wearing his denim jacket over a white shirt and rustic jeans with combat boots.

Taking off his sunglasses, he greeted the others with the typical guy style handshake and hand maneuvers. You found it cute to watch. The way your heart sped up every time you feel silly, like you couldn't control it. It was ridiculous to have those childhood crushes on this man. You stood behind the curtains observing a little longer than you should of and then he disappeared inside the shop.

You sighed and turned around, pressing your back against the wall remembering how it was like yesterday when you first saw him. As a child growing up around the shop, you were familiar with your father's employees, so it caught   your attention when you noticed Chris for the first time. Maybe it was being young and just curious, but you slowly found yourself becoming more and more fascinated by him.

You always thought the boys your age were immature and childish, which they actually were. Always trying to prove themselves to the girls in school. It was what kids did. But at that time, you thought it was annoying. But not Chris, he was a man. A handsome and older man, even though he wasn't that much older than you. It was a good age gap when it came to maturity levels. But you were sure he knew how to treat a woman right. His experience on how to make her feel special and wanted. The thought warmed your cheeks...and also in other places.

Often times when you thought of him, the voices in your head would say that " you were too young for him," oh! and you were the boss' daughter!" You knew how much Chris respected your family. "Your farther would never accept his little princess with someone like him", you sadly thought. Back then, you were only sixteen and didn't know anything about life or love. But even then, you knew what you wanted.

The sun was out in full force that afternoon and you decided to take advantage of the warm weather. You put on your bikini and headed to your pool for some sun bathing. You grabbed the necessities but stopped in the kitchen  to have some breakfast. Your dad made coffee and blueberry pancakes, bless him, they were your favorite . After eating, you went outside to the pool area and laid out on one of the lounge chairs set along side the pool. You closed your eyes and began to relax.

"Y/N? Hello? Hey Y/N are you here?" Chris calling your name. He saw the gate to the backyard half open and went in to check. He had to link a few times when he saw you laying out with barley any clothes on. You heard him calling your name and saw his face turn red when he was trying to not look at your exposed body, which to yours amusement, was a little impossible to do. You saw that his eyes roamed around to your breasts and how he took in your body.

He jumped from his long gaze when you suddenly asked, "Enjoying the view, Chris?" He had thought you were asleep under your sunglasses.

" I-I'm sorry, Y/N. Your farther ... he forgot his meds, he asked me to come by and get them for him since he was on the phone with a client. He  tried to call but you didn't answer," he said.

" yeah I left my cell phone inside," you said and giggled to yourself when Chris tried to avoid making eye contact with you, his reaction was entertaining you.

"its in the kitchen, just give me a minute" you said while standing up, giving Chris a full view of your body.

" Okay, great. Thanks!" he said still avoiding your eyes.

You felt flirtatious and turned back to him and said with a smirk, "You didn't answer my question," you pointed out.

"Question? What question?" he asked you confused.

" if you enjoyed the view" you spoke in a low seductive tone while walking closer to him.

"I-I don't know what to say, Y/N" he said clearly nervous and tense with the proximity between the both of you.

"Yeah...I figured." you said while holding back a laugh and walked back into the house.

 This was gonna be fun, you thought.

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