The begging

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A/n please note when it says how many years earlier its not from the time it said. So 10 years earlier its 10 years from the future. When it says 8 years earlier its 8 years from the future.

~10 years earlier~

I'm laying in my bed, my mom left for work. My dads out with a few friends so I'm home alone with my 9 year old brother. Then I hear the front door slam open. I go down there and my dad was screaming at my brother. My dad shoves him to the floor and kicks him in the face knocking him out. 

"Mason!" I scream running to my older brothers side. Before I could react my dad was dragging me to the basement.

There he had Heroine on a table. He roles up a paper and pours a line out.

"Watch me then you do it." He tells me. He puts the paper to one nostril the pushed the other one closed with the other hand. Then he snorts up the whole line. He pours another line and makes another paper role and hands me it and pushes me to the table. "Now do it."

I did exactly as he did. Half way threw I stopped though my nose was burning. He smacks my butt.

"W-why did it hurt?" I ask tears in my eyes.

"You'll get used to it baby boy." He tells me. "Now finish your line.

I do as I was told. I started crying now. He hands me a bottle full of milk and sent me to bed.

For 2 years thats all he did to me. I learned the milk had some sort of alcohol in it though. Like he said I would I got used to snorting it up and drink the 'milk.'

~8 years earlier~

My dad drags me to the basement. He puts a line out and try's to hand me a role of paper to snort it. I refuse. He then beats me till I do it.

This continued for 3 years I refuse then he beat me till I do it. He was still beating my brother still too.

~5 years earlier~

Like usual he beat my brother till he passed out then dragged me down to the basement. Their he got me extremely high this time. Then he did it. He raped me.

This continued for a year then he stopped drugging me and just started raping me for another 2 years. 

~less than 2 years earlier.~

"Stop treating us like shit!" Mason screams at my dad. Mason is now 17 and I'm 13 about to be 14. (A/n yes he was 5 in the begging.)

My dad pulls out a gun and aims it at him.

"Speak one more time I mother fucken dare you!"My dad screamed.

"Okay stop treating us like damn shit." He screams. Then bam. Before me or Mason knew anything Mason had a bullet in his chest.

I ran to his side he was dead.  I started crying. I hug his body and cried into his shoulder.

"Go to the basement." My dad ordered me. 

"Why so you can kill me too?" I scream. I run out side. "Help! Help! My dad killed my brother!"

A neighbor hears my pleads and with in 2 minutes there was a cop car stopping at my house. Two cops get out. One confronts my dad and the other throws a blanket over my shoulders asking me for my moms number.

I gave it to them and they called her and told her what they saw. More cop cars, ambulances, and firetrucks pull up. Cops surrounded me getting in my face and screaming questions at me all at once.

I couldn't breath. I was scared, upset, terrified, and in lots of pain. My neighbor came out and told them to back off. That I was young and this probably making this situation much worse for me.

She took me to her house and gave me her husbands t-shirt to help me change out of the bloody covered shirt. She then sat me down and gave me milk and cookies to help me calm down.

My dad given death sentence after I told my moms lawyer what happened who used that to get him the death sentence. To this very day that day scars me.

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