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a/n: hi guys, ive been a bit m.i.a., but i am back! hope you enjoy this. i will update faster following next week. xo


"It must be fate, I found a place for us
I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous"

Billy was leaning against the headboard, smoking a cigarette while I laid on his chest. The rest of the afternoon had been spent talking and messing around with each other – he even managed to persuade me into another round of sex. Now we just enjoyed each other's company while there was some quiet music playing in the background. I wore one of Billy's tees that covered enough skin for me to walk around and not feel naked.

"Where did you get that camera?" I asked as I pointed at the one that was resting on the shelve above his radio.

"I got it from someone a while back, you like it?" he smiled. I stared at it as I nodded. He moved my head over to the pillow as he stood up to walk over to the shelve. He grabbed it and looked through the lens. I immediately sat up, holding my hands in front of the camera. "Come on, Peachy. Smile!"

"Billy, no." I laughed. I gave up on trying to get him to stop. I heard the click of the camera and looked him in the eye, knowing what he just did. "You are going to delete that."

"Oh, absolutely not. I am going to print that and hang it up, so I can look at it every day." he laughed. He set the camera back, crawling on the bed and pulling me with him. I groaned and looked at him.

"You are an awful boyfriend." I teased him, trying to look really angry by furrowing my eyebrows.

"If you keep furrowing your brows like that you'll get wrinkles." he joked. I scoffed and pushed him off of me, wanting to get out of his stupid jokes. He laughed and pulled me back by my arm. "Come on, baby, you know I'm just kidding. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"Baby?" I said, repeating his words. Now it was his turn to raise his brows at me.

"You don't like it?" he asked, sounding a bit insecure.

"I really love it." I smiled, puckering my lips before kissing him. He pulled me on top of him, but since the bed wasn't stable enough, we fell over. it caused us both to laugh, which broke the kiss.

Our moment was rudely broken apart by a voice that suddenly boomed through the house, yelling out Billy's name. He looked at me worriedly, quickly throwing me a pair of his sweats that I put on to cover my legs. I sat back on the bed just as the door opened. Billy stood on the other side of the room, but the door was open enough for his father to see me.

"Billy, we need you to go and find Max." he ordered. He looked at me and gave me a nod as I waved at him. A very subtle way of telling your son to do something, I thought.

"I'll be out in a minute." he told his father. Neil disappeared and the door closed. I sat up and looked at Billy, unsure of what to do next. "Just get dressed and wait in the car, okay?" he smiled at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. He nodded, so I did as he asked. I got dressed in my own shirt and jeans, pulling on my shoes. Billy was also getting dressed, obeying his father's wishes to look for Max.

Just before I left, I gave him a strong hug and a kiss on lips. He smiled, trying to tell me everything was okay when I know that was definitely a lie. I walked through the living room, saying goodbye to both Susan and Neil before getting out of the house and to Billy's car. I wish I had moved faster, as I heard the yelling coming from the house. It broke my heart to know that this was the way that Billy was treated.

grace | billy hargrove [#1]Where stories live. Discover now