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what the fuck

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what the fuck


"do you know how long he would be in there?" Jonathan asks me. i shrugged, "i'm not sure. but i don't feel like he's fit to be there and he has no reason to be there." I replied. "you right." Jonathan agrees.

"h-how do you plan on getting him out?" Jonathan asked. "does he have bail? or what?"

"i don't know, Jonathan."

"well you should know or else there would be no way to help him." he says. "could you parents probably do something about it?"

"they said they're working on it, i don't feel like waiting for them though. they're slow as fuck."

"i'm sure they're doing the best than can so don't even worry about it. Jahseh will be out sooner than you think, i promise." Jonathan reassured me.

there was a few knocks at the door. probably my mom or something coming back. but the person seemed frantic. they were knocking and ringing the door bell at the same time. if it was either of my parents or my brother, they'd get in quickly.

"who the fuck is that?" Jonathan asked. i got up and walked towards my front door, Jonathan following behind me. the knocking became more frantic,

"Jahseh, if they're not home we can just wait somewhere else." a familiar voice said from the other side.

"Michael?" i said, opening the door.

"oh shit, i told you Jahseh would be back sooner than you thought." Jonathan said.

"yes, you answered.." i heard Jahseh sigh in relief while walking past me into the house. i was happy to see Jahseh but why is Michael here? and what the fuck was he doing with Jahseh? how did he even GET Jahseh?

"what's up, Stoke, long time no see man." Michael says reaching to dap me up. i gave him a awkward dap while still thinking about why he was here.

"what you been up to?" Michael asked again.

"i just been..hanging pot, what about you? and Jahseh?" i said putting emphasis on Jahseh.

"we just hung out today, i bailed him out earlier and-"

"wait, what?" i said cutting him off, "you bailed him out? who the fuck told you to bail him out? how'd you know he had to be bailed out? and where'd you get the money? you're broke as shit-"

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