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"Anyone here?" Mest-San yelled, his voice echoing throughout the cave.

"Why are you yelling? Aren't you supposed to be the professional here?!" I hiss, waiting for the monster to appear.

"Well.... it doesn't hurt to try something out of my comfort zone. Plus why not." He says shrugging.

My nose scrunched up, in annoyance. Why am I stuck with a dimwit like him? I pause suddenly hearing light footsteps approaching us. "Is anyone there?" I here Natsu-San holler. "Shut up Natsu, what if it's an enemy." Now Lu-Chan spoke after.

"I want my fish." Happy sounded tired and desperate. Finally!! We found someone! "We're here!!" I say, waving. They come into view, looking wounded. Lu-Chan was on Natsu-San's back and Happy flew by their side with a big lump on his head.


My whole body trembled even more in the frigid cold air. I could feel my vision blur, hot flashes flaring up behind my eyes. Cold sweat ran down my spine as I walked after healing everyone. "Wendy!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I force a smile on my face and look over at Lu-Chan. "Are you okay? You never responded earlier so I panicked."

"I'm sorry!! I just zoned out a bit." She smiled back but her worrying eyes never left me. The frigid cold air seemed to fill the atmosphere, as some fog came out of my mouth. Freezing and dissipating in the air. As it is I already feel cold..... I licked my lips to moisten them, all I have to do is beat the boss, heal Erza-Chan and Carla and it's all good. But the question is where are they....

I scan my surroundings, blood still coated the floor. Not forgetting to mention that there were more and more carcasses that laid on the floor as we kept moving forward. The smell of rotten flesh was terrible as it clogged my insides, making it painful to take in the smell. I could see Natsu-San scrunch up his nose as well.

This is fucking hell. I'm weak and tired, just like... last time. I'm useless..... damn it! I clench my jaw, but it only made my headache worse. I hugged my sides, slouching over. The hairs on my arms stood up. If only I were stronger. If only I could have protected everyone then and even now. I bite my lip, trying not to cry. I'm miserable, I should have been the one left on that island. But no Met-San sacrifices everything for me and now this is how I repay him.

I think to myself as we walk by each other, he never said a word. My eyes traced his face, his sharp jawline, his silver earring gleamed. His hair had a short military kind of look to it. My eyes now traced the scar on his face, where did he get that from?

"Is there something on my face? He says now making eye contact with me. A gush of hot blood flowed up into my face. Quickly looking away I said, "Well, let's just say your face is full of dead skin cells." Really Wendy? Dead skin cells? I'm such a-.

"Oh..... umm okay." He says scratching the back of his head, giving me a lopsided smile. Great now he thinks I hate him.... I really need to work on my social skills..... My ears started to pick up on some new sounds. I turn to Natsu-San who nods in return. "Everyone duck!!" I pulled Mest-San down with me, looking back I saw Natsu-San did the same with the others.

MENDY!!!💕(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now