•Chapter Six•

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Once you and Byakuya got outside, there was a limousine waiting for you by the main gate. Waiting a few steps from the door to the school, there was an older-looking man waiting to escort you both to wherever Byakuya was taking you.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Togami. Right this way sir." the man said, bowing to the both of you.

The three of you made your way to the limo, the man opening the gate for you when he reached it. He waited for you to get through and shut it behind you. He opened the door to the car and waited for you both to get in and seated before getting himself situated in the driver's seat.

The limo had a few different bottles of various alcoholic beverages and a pitcher of iced water, accompanied by glasses to pour them into. There were lights embedded in the roof above you, casting bright white light throught the small area. Beside your seat was a small control panel, which included functions like colors for the lights on the ceiling.

Byakuya seemed indifferent, and you were smiling slightly. You decided to play with the lights, changing the colors from pink, to blue, to red, to purple, green, and so on. A few minutes passed like that and Byakuya started to get annoyed.

"Do you mind? The constant changing color of the lighting makes it hard to relax." he said.

"You don't relax anyway." you shot back at him.

"Fair enough, but it is annoying." he replied.

You gave in, not wanting to argue with him after all he had done for you in the span of five days. Then you thought of all you missed in those five days. The fact that you had been running on candy alone. You were hungry.

Much to your displeasure, your stomach growled. Byakuya looked at you and laughed softly. You gave him a questioning look, wondering what he found funny.

"Good thing I picked the first place then, isn't it?" he said.

"Huh?" you asked, looking more confused than before.

He smiled and asked the driver how much longer it would take to arrive at the first location.

"Actually, we're here. Look out the window." he replied.

You turned and looked out the window closest to you to see a fancy-looking restaurant. You smiled at it, then smiled at Byakuya. Once he smiled back, the man stopped and got out of his seat and made his way to the door to let you both out.

Byakuya waited for you to get out, before making his way out as well. Once he did, he went to stand by you as you just stared at the building in front of you.

After a while, you regained the ability to speak and said, "Byakuya..."


"I love it! It's so pretty!" you shouted.

You looked back at him with a big smile on your face, and out of pure excitement, you hugged him. You two just stayed like that for a few seconds, before you realized what you had done. You looked up at him with an embarrassed face, which he returned. You quickly released him and turned away from him.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I just got excited and I couldn't help myself! Oh god, I messed up, didn't I?" you said, more to yourself toward the end.

He regained his composure and looked toward the restaurant again before saying, "Well then, shall we go?"

You were surprised at his ability to recover and stay calm but still replied, "Sure."

As the two of you walked toward the main entrance to the restaurant, you spotted people through the windows eating food you know you've never be able to pronounce. You thought about that for a few seconds.

Match-Maker's Love (Byakuya Togami x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now