The Wallet Incident

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*RING! RING! RING!* I sigh and shut my alarm off. Another day of school. Ugh. I rubbed my face and stretched. My phone vibrated. I picked it up. It was a text. It read: "hey! Wanna hang after school?"
I replied saying : "sure!"
I finally get up and put on some jeans, a heather gray t-shirt, my blue hoodie, and some Jordans. (Legacy 312's, to be exact)
"Sweetie! Come on we gotta go to school!" My mom said. I walked down and got into the car.
I walk up to the school doors And was quickly greeted by cyrus, " Hey Underdog, What's up?" He walks next to me. I notice we're pretty close. Oh well.
" Well, I heard that Marty's coming back," Buffy's Marty? Crap. I don't like him. Not. One. Bit.
"Oh really? That's cool," I said and smiled to the browned-haired boy right next to me. There was barely enough room to smile at him. If he looks over, our noses would be practically touching.
"Hey guys!" I heard and felt a arm wrap around me. I look over. It's the one and only Marty. Buffy's Marty. I hate everything from his brown eyes to his perfect hair. Perfect? No. Terrible. Yeah, that sounds right, right?
"Hey man! I've missed ya! How you've been?" I smiled at him.
"Pretty good. I've missed this place." He smiles again. Another thing I hate about him. His smile.
"Hey, Cyrus! How you've been?" He asks. And he just keeps on smiling.
"Pretty good, Marty!"
"Well, I gotta get to class, see you two later!" He said and walked off clutching the bottom of the sides of his backpack. Why does he do that? It's...weird. I hate it. Yep. Another thing I hate about him.
"Hey guys, can I sit over here today, the guys aren't being the nicest, and I just need a getaway," I Smile at the five of them.
"Of course Tj whenever you want," andi says. I smile back at her.
"What are they saying, exactly?" As andi said this, my smile turned to an almost-frown.
"I-it's nothing...really. It's...personal," I say and look down at my fidgeting hands and my quickly tapping foot.
"Tj, if you ever need to talk I'm here, ok?" Cyrus says as he placed a reassuring hand on my back.
" Thanks, Cy." Why do I have to be like this?
"So. How's everyone?" They all answered with various words, but they all meant "i'm good" or "I'm fine".
"So, Marty, what have you been up to lately? It seems like ages since I've seen you," Cyrus says happily.
"I've been good, not much going on with me," he shrugged and made a side frown.
"I'm ok?" Asks Buffy. Of course it was her. He is Hers anyways.
"Hey wanna all hang out after school?" I ask happily. Knowing I can actually pay since I'm getting money from... somewhere.
"Sure," they all say.
"Great. What should we do? I'm paying," I say and smile.
"Ummm go to the spoon?" Suggest Andi.
"Sure," everyone again replies.
" ok so after school?" I questioned. Great. Extra time with Marty. Note the sarcasm, please.
——————————After School————————
"Hey guys, you ready?" I ask them. They all said yeah. We're walking. It's only like four blocks.
Since andi, Buffy Ann Marty are walking with cyrus, I guess I'll walk with Jonah.
"Hey." I say to him his face turns sad slowly.
"What. I'm not happy with you right. Now," his voice quiet and deep.
"Hey, look, I'm sorry," i say and frown to.
"Why. Why did you do that?"
"I don't know, and I'm sorry,"
—————————The spoon—————————
"Yay, food!" Cyrus says as he takes a seat next to me. I laugh.
The waiter comes over to us ," and what would you like today?"
Cyrus cuts me off ," a large baby taters and milkshakes for all of us!"
Waiter, "ok, anything else?"
"Nope that should be good, thanks!" I say.
"Ok! Food should be out in about ten minutes!"
The waiter says and walks away.
"So. What's up?"
"Not much...I heard that the fair starts today," says andi.
"Oh really? That sounds cool," I say and my phone vibrates. I'll ignore it for now...
"Tj...your phone?" Cyrus questions. Crap.
"Yeah, what about it?"
" keeps vibrating ," cyrus says. Confusion taking over his face. Why won't they stop calling?
"Ugh. Be right back," I roll my eyes and step outside. My "friends" are watching me with confusion.
—————————On the Phone————————
"What do you want?" I ask angrily.
"Where are you?! We were supposed to meet today!" Ugh. I hate this. I put my hand from my hip to my forehead and back down.
This is just great.
"I'll come tomorrow, ok?" I ask angrily.
"Yeah. Whatever. Just please. I'm only paying half this time. Goodbye," he hangs up.
I walk back in and sit down sliding my phone into my pocket. "What was that?" Marty asked. " you looked pretty stressed," He said. I rolled my eyes. This is just great. Another thing I hate about him. His concern.
"Oh that? That was nothing..." I started to nervously shake my leg. Crap.
" you good?" Jonah asks. Why am I so obvious?
"Yeah. I'm fine," I smile. Why am o such a good liar? Whatever.
"Here's the food!" The waiter sets down our order. Cyrus Thanks her and starts shoving his face.
"Whoah! Save some for me!" Andi says and swats his hands away and grabs some for herself. I laugh. I don't touch any food.
"Tj, want anything? You are the one paying..." Marty said. Shoving my milkshake closer to me.
"Nah, I'm good."
"Here's your check!" She said as she took the empty cups and plate. Cyrus had my milkshake.
I go to take my money out to pay. It was only thirteen dollars. As I pull out a twenty, three hundreds fall out of my wallet.
"Where'd you get that from?" Asks Marty.
Another thing I hate about him. His curiosity. Ugh.
A/N: There ya go! The first chapter of the worlds first tarty fanfic! Hope you enjoyed it! I loved writing it!

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