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In the arena on the sixth floor of Nazarick, I was currently training using the Red Dragon's scale mail. Whenever I boosted the gauntlet, my power rose non stop. Even Ddraig was surprised at the results as he never had such a powerful host.

Ddraig : "Damn, with you this powerful, only eighteen years of age and a full blooded devil which can live almost forever, this will be a long and enjoyable partnership!" he said with excitement

(Y/N) : "I'm sure it will" I responded then the Nazarick alarm went off

Ddraig : "What is that?" he asked making the heir stop training and teleport towards the throne room

(Y/N) : "Unwelcome guests" he responded sitting down and pulling up several screens with surveillance of the surrounding areas

(Y/N) spotted several fallen angels approaching the Tomb Of Nazarick. The alarm was set to go off when somebody entered within 400 meters of the Tomb. There was also an active spell that grounded any airborne enemies who passed through its borders, meaning every fallen angel was forced to walk the rest of the way to the Tomb. (Y/N) watched as three groups of five fallen angels headed towards the tomb. Albedo appeared at his side and angrily growled at the intruders.

Albedo : "How dare they, mere insects believe they can enter the great Tomb of Nazarick?" she questioned angrily as I raised my hand to calm her

(Y/N) : "Calm yourself, to be fair, nobody knows what the Tomb of Nazarick is, the Devils believe the dummy Nazarick we constructed is our base, these fallen angels must've spotted the Tomb and decided to investigate" I said making her calm down, but...

(Y/N) : "If they decide to enter the Tomb any further, kill them for dragging their filthy feet within our home" I said to which Albedo smiled and we both continued watching the screens

3rd POV

A few days ago, a Fallen Angel scout spotted the Tomb from a distance and decided to report it to the heads of the Grigori.

Azazel : "Hmm, a tomb in the middle of Hell, kind of sounds like an amazing find if you ask me" he said with a smile

Shemhazai : "Yes, but what of the risks? There maybe great dangers residing within the Tomb" he questioned making the others think

Azazel : "I have an idea, we'll have three groups of five, I'll join the first team with Vali and three other angels, Shemhazai will go with his own group and Baraqiel with enter with his own as well" he suggested

Baraqiel : "I see, having a powerful fallen angel within each group might help prevent casualties" he said

The three leaders agreed to the plan and for the next couple of days, they made plan after plan in case things went wrong. Azazel and his group approached from the south, Shemhazai from the west and Baraqiel from the east. All three groups made it with ease and discovered great treasures within the entrance. When they entered, they saw a large red banner with a strange golden symbol nobody knew.

Shemhazai : "How strange, I've never seen a crest like that" he said inspecting the banner closely before gasping

Baraqiel :" What is it?!" he asked

Shemhazai : " The crest is woven with threads of precious metal!" he replied surprising the angels

Azazel : "This might've been one rich son of a bitch, c'mon let's keep moving, we'll come back for that banner later" he said walking further into the tomb with the groups following

Vali : "Such a boring old tomb, I hope its like a video game and there's a final boss at the end" he said

Azazel : "I really need to stop letting you play my games" he sighed before continuing 

Back in the throne room, all of the Guardians have gathered and bowed before the heir.

(Y/N) : "Have the traps been prepared?" he asked

Demiurge : "Yes my Lord" he responded

(Y/N) : "Good, Cocytus, once they are separated, bring the gray haired boy to the sixth floor, I wish to destroy him with my own two hands" he said making the giant blue insect bow 

(Y/N) : "Albedo handle the defenses, I don't want a single person leaving unscathed" he ordered as Albedo smiled

Albedo : "Of course my love, we'll have them on their knees bowing before you" she replied

(Y/N) : "Good, the rest of you know your positions, now go" he said making each guardian bow and leave the throne room

Back with the Fallen Angels, all three groups separated and headed in different directions. On one screen, Azazel was walking down a hallway with his group, when suddenly a white magic circle appeared beneath them and blinded them.

Azazel : "Argh, what's this light?" he questioned still blinded but then opened his eyes to see he's alone now

Azazel : "Teleportation magic? Someone's watching us" he said looking around before running in a random direction

With Shemhazai, after he was separated from his group, the Pleiades ambushed him and nearly beat him to death. Since (Y/N) didn't want to run the risk of believing his intruders were weak, he sent all the maids at once to reduce the risk of losing a single one of them. With Baraqiel, he was confronted by Demiurge, Cocytus, Shalltear and Mare. All of his electrical attacks were being nullified and he was now cornered.

Demiurge : "Shall we then?" he asked with his hands behind his back and a smirk on his face

Cocytus : "Yes.Let's." he said approaching the Fallen Angel


Vali : "What the?" he questioned seeing himself in a hallway and only seeing one way out

He walks towards the light and enters an arena which looks to be outside. He entered the amphitheater and suddenly, Aura the dark elf appeared and landed inside the arena with a loud thud.

Aura : "Greetings foolish intruder, you've stepped into the Great Tomb of Nazarick and for that you must be punished, with me is the great master of Nazarick (Y/N) Ooal Gown!" he introduced as (Y/N) approached the amphitheater wearing a fine black and red robe, with black baggy pants and an ebony colored sash tied around his waist.

(Y/N) : "Greetings intruder, or should I say White Dragon" he said making Vali smirk

Vali : "Well well, looks like the Red Dragon lead himself towards me, this must be my lucky day" he said

(Y/N) : "Oh really? Well then, let us begin!" he said tossing away his robe and activating his balance breaker, covering him in the Red Dragon's armor

Vali : "A balance breaker? You just keep getting interesting!" he said activating his White Dragon balance breaker and rushing the Ooal Gown heir


Azazel : "What the hell?" he asked himself seeing a light at the end of a dark hallway

Azazel followed the light source and arrived at the amphitheater, only to see Baraqiel and Shemhazai on the floor with their wings torn off and surrounded by a puddle of their own blood.

Azazel : "BARAQIEL, SHEMHAZAI!" he called out, but they didn't move

Since he couldn't fly, Azazel ran towards the two and inspected their bodies, seeing them on the brink of death.

Azazel : "Shit, need to find a way of of here" he said about to pick them up, but another voice spoke up

(Y/N) : "Leaving so soon?" he asked standing behind a kneeling Azazel who froze up

Nazarick's Devil (Male Reader x Highschool DxD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon