Take Me Back

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The priest finally kick started the words that would lead to those two exchanges we are all here for. Alex and Lisa were both beaming at one another, but I swear I could almost see uncertainty in my best friend's eyes. Lisa was shaking back the tears, he seems to be shaking off a little fear. In all honesty they have been a couple for practically ever, but marriage is a whole new step forward.

Marriage meant a bond not meant to be broken. Anticipation of mile stones by family members to be met within the years. A honeymoon more spectacular than any vacation to come. Moving in together for the first time, getting used to each others every second day to day. I was already used to this though. We all spent immeasurable amounts of times cramped in vans, motels and tour buses.

It comes with fights and making up. Cold shoulders and sharing drinks as the night passes by. Even as just friends, it was something that anyone has to develop a skin for. It is because of this skin that I can truly say I love Alex. Sure, they have done a lot together, but she is rarely there for the tour side. The day to frantic day of coming back from the studio after no success creating a new song.

She was there for the majority of the good days, the days we had off. Not to say she wouldn't see a show from time to time, but the marriage implies finally being there much more. She has been there for the beautiful vacations, the opportunities of singing anthems in front of crowds and going back home to relax. Though she must have a special skin to wait for him. I couldn't imagine being without Alex for longer than a week, even then it's face time or texts to occupy.

My mind falters again as I tone out the wedding before me. Everyone else is staring in adoration, but my heart begins to chip away with each second. Thinking about him and I, the touring and constant antics together.

I am whisked away into a cloud of moments he and I shared. Even after the stage kiss that caused Jalex lovers to go wild, a lot was brought to the surface on stage.

I look into Alex's eyes, us grinning and hearts racing from the adrenaline. I go over to where he stands at the mic, grabbing both his cheeks in my hands to plant a kiss on him. He does not fight, he leans further in for a brief kiss. We can't keep the kids waiting, after all. We were all sweating pools, shirts drenched in it. It was a fantastic show, the crowd cheering it all on.

I start strumming some chords, my eyes wild and blown from our moment of mouth to mouth. Every kiss we share, every deep moment together, I only yearn for more. I think Alex is catching on too, but I think he likes it just the same.

Suddenly it was a different stage, flashing lights as we pump out the lyrics. I feel electric as the music floods me over. I look at Alex who instinctively looks back to me, singing along carefree to the crowd. I love this, the strums of each chord, each note called out, courses through my veins. It feels like an injection of pure Alex and I fucking love it.

I make my shaking legs over to Alex, behind him as I press up against him. I couldn't help it, my body rocking along with his as we keep the song going. I rest my head against his shoulder, shouting some lyrics as they come to me. He looks at me, smiling ear to ear. God is he perfect in his sweat covered glory. It's nights like this that lead to us cuddling in bed together. He says he can't help it, I'm just what he needs after a bomb ass show. I couldn't agree more.

A new stage, but oh so familiar. I'm riling up the crowd, jumping up and down to get everyone just as pumped as I am. Just before the show Alex and I were making out in the dressing room. It lasted more than we anticipated, even eliciting a loud bang from our manager. Alex told me he needed something to calm his nerves, so I boldly told him I know just the trick. He agreed I was right.

My ankles are screaming as I keep jumping, nearly losing my balance as I make my way towards Alex. He was getting in on the intoxicating energy. Zack was lost in smiling along with Rian. The crowds voices were almost as loud as the speakers as we carried on through the show. I figured it would be a brilliant idea to hand off my guitar and leap into Alex's arms. He was laughing, shocked by the sudden catch of me. I held the mic to him as he expertly carried on with me in his arms.

We sang along together as I kept my arms around his neck. He held me close, both of our hearts racing from it all. He would scoop me up in his arms later just to throw me down on the bed.

"You were a punk tonight," he huskily begins with a tug at my tighter than a virgin jeans.

"Fucking show me what I deserve then, Alex," I breathe out as he crawls over top of me. Both of our jeans fly to the floor. His eyes are filled with exactly what I love. My smile is devilish, knowing exactly what is happening next.

With a whirl of reality I come crashing down from the dirty scene that was just before me. I feel my nether region nearly protest at the stop. Fuck, what's happening to me? I look around nervously at the seemingly untouched crowd. People were crying, Lisa unable to contain hers as the make up smudges just a little now.

The priest is ready for the exchange of vows, but I sure as hell am not. I clutch my chest mentally as I close my eyes. I feel a comforting hand from Rian grip my shoulder. He knows I have to pretend to enjoy this moment. To anyone else it would seem I too was getting emotional, but I have confided in him. He knows that our little fling together never ended with me. What I didn't know was that Zack knew the side to Alex's story of what happened between us.

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