Part 2: Hope

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She awoke before me, this morning. I remained asleep, as she got ready for a day that changed everything, entering it with all the confidence she needed. The confidence she always had, that could not be taken away by anyone. She had exuberance, and joy in everything she'd do. Though she lied to me several times in the beginning, she never viewed me through the lens that revealed my wrongs, but only the eyes that saw beauty in my flaws. The same beauty that she possessed, inside and out. In her green eyes, pale skin, and her pure spirit. Though she was not perfect, she was perfect to me. Many of my people saw her has an idol, and though I could not agree with that notion, I couldn't blame them either. Men like me would never be able to lead in the same way that woman like Hope could. I was accepting of this. I only hoped that if she ever lost me, she would always remember how to deal with a day like today.

Today started with tragedy. The worst tragedy we've had in a while. When Hope stepped outside, to check on the sick townsfolk, she saw her prayer circle had gathered together, about a block away.

Noticing how distraught they all were, Hope made her way to the front of the crowd, to see a couple, that looked almost unnaturally similar to her and Jeremy. They both had stab wounds in their chests, and a picture laying between them. Inside the frame, was the Cooper family, on the day Molly was first born. The picture was distorted by words someone had written on it.

"You're next."

Hope breathed heavily, and was completely speechless.

"This has to be the work of the new man!" Elenore, Philips mother, insisted.

"We don't know what!" Maria, our blind, computer genius said.

"The hell we don't!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Well, let's ask our leader, shall we? Hope?" Maria asked.

Hope was silent. She had no idea how to react to something like this. Yet she was not ignorant to the fact that this had to be Darwin. Nor was she to the fact that he would do it again, if they didn't find him.

Everyone's concernment grew due to Hopes' silence. She noticed this, and couldn't leave her people this way, so reassured them with the words, "He won't get a chance to do this again. We'll handle him." Then went to go see Philip. He seemed just as concerned as Hope was, as word got around town fast.

"Where do you think he is?" Hope asked.

"Probably looking for a chance to kill your family, while they're completely defenseless. The nerve of this guy..." Philip replied, with rage in his voice

"Remember Philip, you were in his shoes, a few years back. We need to..."

"Give him a chance, I know. I just hate seeing someone like him, threatening you and your family. You and Jeremy are like siblings to me."

Hope smiled. "We see you the same way. I should get back, and be ready for a fight."

"I'll be watching from outside, making sure things don't get too bad."

Hope and Philip agreed to this plan, then headed back to my fathers' house. When she got inside, most of our kids were awake, as was I.

"Hope." My face was worrisome. Hope turned her eyes towards Darwin, who was holding a knife near Carley's face.

"Get that knife away from my daughter!" Hope demanded.

"Really a stupid idea, honestly, you two. Taking away my gun, and thinking that's going to stop my plan?" Darwin laughed. "We have so much to discuss." Darwin pulled Carley's hair, as he put down the curtains, making it impossible for Philip to see us from outside. "Let's discuss it over brunch, shall we? Hand it over." Darwin commanded, as he put his hand out in front of Hope.

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