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Welp, I'm 17, a senior in high school, going to college in a couple months and have already been accepted to a couple but I'm not sure which one to choose, I still have one I'm waiting to hear from before I decide, and I'm majoring in biochemistry

I play the violin and have been for six years now, I'm trying to learn to play the piano, and I play a little ukulele. I paint and draw sometimes, really small too, always or else it looks bad if I don't, same with my handwriting

 I paint and draw sometimes, really small too, always or else it looks bad if I don't, same with my handwriting

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I speak English, and Spanish fluently and some French, I took two years so I don't know much

My favorite colors are green and grey

Favorite food is pizza, chicken, turkey, pineapple and grapes

I'm 5,7 ish a little taller, Hispanic but born in America, my parents were born out of the country

I've had surgery three times; the first was for tonsils, second was a tracheostomy where a hole is cut though my neck into my trachea, and the third was a gallbladder removal because I had gallstones, they all hurt pretty bad but I'm fine now, I'm pretty unlucky

Favorite Shows: Orange is the New Black, Glee, AHS, The Walking Dead, Dexter, PLL, The Good Place, Flash, Naruto, Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple, Young and Hungry, Baby Daddy, Angel Beats and probably more I can't think of right now

I have a dog thats a dachshund and used to have two ferrets but one of them died and the other one became depressed and pretty much stopped eating and moving so I gave her up to someone else who had a ferret and she's a lot happier now, I also used to have four turtles but two of them died as well and the other two we set free, and I had like thirty small fish but they all died too, and a bird but he died too but my family honestly think he was murdered because we hated our neighbors that lived upstairs and they hated us and I don't know

My favorite type of tree is a weeping willow, they're gorgeous, favorite flower are baby breaths, favorite bird is a condor because they're the country bird of where my parents are from

My favorite holiday is Christmas because I get to spend the whole day with my family and I love my family very much and love when I can be with most of them

My favorite player in super smash is Kirby, in Mario Kart it's Yoshi and Peach is like also up there

I am the youngest of three, favorite animal is a seal, I plan to get a couple tattoos this year, they'll be my first. I love to run, it relaxes me and takes the stress of life away, or at least dims it away some, I work out often

I used to be obese like two years ago and lost a lot of weight since then, I'm at a normal weight now but I struggle with the way I feel still and sometimes think I need to lose more and keep working out and exaggerate my diet, it's hard, I feel like if I eat anything bad it's gonna put a huge toll on me when I just need to calm down

I get sad from time to time for really nothing and then get happy, sometimes I enjoy life and other times I don't, it depends I guess, sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough and what's the point

My favorite subjects are science and math, I know weird, I have straight A's in school besides history, I've always struggled with that class

I'm in drama club and show choir, I'm trying to be more involved and be more social, I don't have much friends, mostly acquaintances and like two best friends who are family so does that even count

I'm a gay guy who hasn't come out but not because I'm scared to or anything, I just feel like it doesn't matter and I don't have to tell anyone, it's my business, when I get a boyfriend, if ever, I'll bring them home and that's when everyone will find out I'm into guys, I feel like that's how it should be, you just bring whomever you're dating home or wherever and no one should ask what you are or assume anything

I hate racism, sexism, classism, ignorance, I'm not a feminist, I feel like they don't really want equality but really to be superior to men, I am all for women's rights but not feminism

And lastly did you know a group of ferrets is called a business, I found that really cute

Till next chap I guess

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