Isaac's Therapy

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Isaac’s Therapy

        By Chris Moyer

          Copyright 2001- Paradox Publishing

                                    I.   The Waiting Room

       Isaac stepped out of the metallic gateway, under which an immense sign declared in big emboldened letters that he had arrived at “Quantum Hope Clinic.”  Isaac looked around the massive room, feeling very small, and quickly found a place to sit down, for he didn’t want to draw attention to himself.   The red chair he had picked out for himself had looked fairly comfortable, but all of his expectations were exceeded the second his body made contact with it.  As Isaac sat down, the chair seemed to come alive.  Its contours changed to conform to the shape of his body, and he felt as though it were embracing him.  He had no idea what mechanisms were involved in giving him such a wonderful feeling, but he knew that the creators in this world must know something that the builders and carpenters of his world did not.  

        He had been reeling from so much stress and mental anguish before he arrived here, and now this wonderful resting place was offering him some much needed relief.   He had to admit he was feeling much better physically, though mentally he was still quite disoriented.  This world was entirely foreign to him, and the trip that he’d made here was still a blur in his mind.  He’d never been to a place like this before, and he really knew nothing about it other than the stories that he’d heard from others.  He never thought he would be the type of person to seek professional help in a setting like this.  He liked to work out problems for himself, but since his friends insisted that the people here at Quantum Hope could help him find a new direction, Isaac finally relented and agreed to try it out.   

            The first thing that had struck him as he had entered the room was the variety of color, a rainbow of hues emanating from the walls, as well as from the people around him.  Isaac had never seen colors such as this before, as he had come from a place where drab was all the rage.  Where he came from, you were taking a huge risk to wear clothing with any colors other than subtle earth tones, and you wouldn’t even dream of putting such colors on your walls!   As far as clothing and man-made structures were concerned, It was these subtle tones that Isaac had been accustomed to, and seeing all these rich colors such as burgundy red, forest green, navy blue, as well as many others in the light spectrum evoked all sorts of strange feelings Isaac had never felt before.    He felt a little uncomfortable, and out of place, but he was enjoying these new sensations, nevertheless.  

          The room he had entered was immense, and looking up at the ceiling, Isaac figured it must have been at least 6 or 7 tents high.  Each massive wall had been painted a different color and there appeared to be thousands of tiny sparkling lights that glittered when you moved your head up and down or side to side.   Yes, the walls were quite amazing, but it was the life-size moving images on the walls that captured the attention of Isaac’s eyes more than anything else.  There were men and women performing incredible athletic feats like climbing snow-capped mountains, careening over crashing waterfalls in river rafts, and free falling through the air at sensational speeds.  The images looked almost three-dimensional to Isaac, and it boggled his mind how such mesmerizing visual stimulii could be produced on a simple wall. 

      Of course, Isaac was initially blown away by these images, but then his critical mind came into play.  His next thought was that the moving images had been altered or tampered with, in order to juxtapose the females into the action.   He’d never even heard of women doing athletics or other brave things, and the notion initially struck him as absurd.  He focused in on one young woman who was in the process of swinging her ice pick into the side of an ice-covered mountain peak.  She looked real enough, and her efforts seemed to be genuine.  Perhaps, he reconsidered, in this place where I’ve come, women have super strength.   He smiled to himself, thinking that would be a pretty cool thing if it were true. 

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