new characters owo

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Introducing, Kondiiah and Senqmuen! I'm going to attempt to write a story for them on here, lets see how far I get XD

Introducing, Kondiiah and Senqmuen! I'm going to attempt to write a story for them on here, lets see how far I get XD

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^ Kondiiah ^

^ Senqmuen ^

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^ Senqmuen ^

A little thing to give you an idea of who they are and what they are like uwu


Kondiiah, named by Mondi because I'm bad at creative names, is an alien from a far off galaxy
She left her planet in attempt to start a new life for herself as she never felt like she fit in with her political focused family. Why didn't she? Well Kondiiah is mute. She physically can't talk as she was born without vocal cords for some ungodly reason. Her parents, although sad that she would never be able to follow in their footsteps, loved her more then anything. They know she left and she still contacts them via electronic messaging but they know nothing about her location.
She currently resides on earth, only moving at night as to hide from the one's on the new planet who wish to harm her and gain knowledge via dissection. She has webbed feet and hands, spines up her back and a long tail ment to aid in balance and swimming
She has keen eyesight and an excellent sence of smell along with acute hearing
She has a tongue that can drop to her mid chest and sharp nails ment to hunt and climb
She's very shy and flighty
She is 18 in human years


Senqmuen is a quiet boy. He was born in Colorado and loves hiking in the beautiful mountains he grew up around.
He's not insanely active but he's not lazy. Hes physically fit.
Hes pretty quiet and takes bullshit from no one. He has a skill for rollerblading and skate boarding.
He has a pretty good relationship with his quite large family. 3 sisters and 2 brothers, him being around the older end of the siblings. He loves his sisters and has kicked ass to protect them, literally. He messes around with his brothers, usually camping out back in the woods (he lives a few miles out of town by a forest) or going to town to go to the skate park.
Senqmuen is 17

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