Ch. 2

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It felt like forever. Just the silence was killing error. Error had attempted to move or at least say something but the attempts were futile. He just was there , unable to tell if he was sitting or standing, unable to sense anything....

At least, that was until a soft noise caught his attention. It sounded like a buzz sound, steadily starting to get louder. It got so loud to the point that if Error were a human, his ears would've bled. Error ended up screaming in pain, his scream sounding like a glitched screech. He quickly covered where his ears would be , not processing that he was able to move now. The noise continued, making him scream louder. Over the noise and his scream, foot steps quickly followed. They seemed to be coming towards him.

A few seconds later, something grabbed his shoulders and shook him, as if trying to gain his attention. Something called to him, their voice going above the sound,"ERROR! SNAP OUT OF IT!"

Then, just like that , the noise stopped. He felt a warm feeling sorrounding his soul, as if someone was using their magic on him. It didn't hurt like most magic would, it seems he knew who or what this thing was that was holding his shoulders.

He took deep breaths , attempting to calm his already racing soul. He reached out and grabbed something that felt soft and slightly fuzzy. Was that a sweater? He couldn't tell. He slowly opened his eye-sockets, but still he saw nothing.


He... Saw.. nothing..?

That didn't make any sense. He knew for sure that his eyesockets were open, he should be able to see.... Unless it was dark in the room....

Actually, that made no sense either. He could usually see in the dark due to his eyelights lighting up the environment. Was his eyelights gone??

His thoughts were interrupted by a low voice asking,"....error? Can you hear me?"

Error numbly nodded, confusion still fresh in his mind. Who was speaking to him? They sounded awfully familiar....

Error then mumbled," w.... WhErE aM i?"

They sounded confused when they responded," what do you mean? We're at the mansion. C... can't you tell?"

Error shook his head, might as well respond honestly. He said," nO... I cAn'T sEe a DaMn tHiNg..."

There was silence before they spoke, their voice filled with alarm,"...but.... The lights are on. And your eyelights are there... Are you sure you can't see anything?"

That made Error's bonemarrow freeze, a feeling of dread filling him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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