『 staying up 』

434 12 4

includes angst
can be seen as romantic or plantonic

No ones pov:

It was 1:00 am on a Friday night, and Kastuki Bakugo could not for the life of him fall asleep. He wasn't overly concerned, as it was the weekend and he didn't need to be up early or anything, but it was incredibly fucking irritating for someone that goes to bed around 9 every single day to be tossing and turning in bed at 1:00.

After about another full minute of him literally thrashing in his bed, the hot-headed blonde was over sleep. It clearly wasn't happening, he had too much energy. Bakugo got out of bed, went to his closet and grabbed some workout clothes, as well as some sweatpants in case it got colder, and a drawstring bag to hold it. He reached to his key hook, snatching his room key, then grabbing a water before opening the door and leaving.

Bakugo walked briskly down the dorm hallway, muttering under his breath, completely worked up over his crazed sleep schedule that he didn't even do anything to mess up. He was planning on training. What else is knew. It was a perfect way to get rid of all his extra energy, while also honing in on his skills to make sure he becomes the number one hero. And as an added bonus, he would get to train alone, which was always his favorite. No annoying classmates or teachers to get in the way, just him and his mind, strategizing, fighting, running off of pure adrenaline. Bakugo lived for it. He did enjoy the occasional sparring sessions he would do with Kirishima and Kaminari because believe it or not, it was fulfilling and dare he say fun to spar his friends. (don't tell anyone he classifies them as friends) At the end of the day though, Bakugo loved nothing more then a hard session by himself, and his anger was being replaced with determination as he walked out the back doors of the dorms and onto one of the training fields.

Bakugo was already in the zone. Starting easy and going for some simple drills. Core work, cardio, arms. And then he worked on fighting techniques. Different timing for different punches, throwing in kicks, understanding where his opponent would be and when. Upping his speed, adding his quirk. He was going at it so fiercely he didn't manage to realize he wasn't the only one training tonight.

Just two fields over, another student was having a go at some late night training. Denki Kaminari was perhaps more focused now then he'd ever been in class. The young boy was in a raging state, throwing punches left right and center, all spastic, no clear plans in mind other then working till he dropped. It was something you'd except to be seeing from Bakugo. Here with Denki, this much spontaneously violent energy was out of place. Sure Kaminari would randomly choose to go to the beach in the middle of winter but being spontaneous on the battle field was something everyone knew wasn't his forte. Kaminari was always worried for the safety of others and going all wild in a fight could potentially hurt someone, especially with his quirk. In fact that is the number one reason Denki always had a plan. If he didn't, his quirk would become far to dangerous, and things would go wrong quick.

Bakugo slouched down against a bench, swigging a gracious amount of water. He was going to cool down for a bit, take a quick break and then go back to work, this time focused strictly on his quirk. Or, at least he was until a bright yellow light caught his eye. Immediately confused, Bakugo stood up, peering across the fields finding that the light was a stroke of electricity, which only meant one thing. Kaminari?

Bakugo thought he was wrong but no, that was definitely Denki. Bakugo had faced those watts of electricity many times before and knew for a fact it was his friends quirk. But why was Denki out here? Bakugo found it hard to believe the care-free aloof boy would go out of his was to train at 2 in the morning. But perhaps this was a normal occurrence for him, some sort of secret training he did. Either way, Bakugo wanted to know.

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