『 charisma 』

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* contains minor spoilers for season 4 *

this fic is based on the scene in season 4 where Todoroki pulls the pretty boy face and Bakugo makes fun of him aka the "I want to see your cute face" scene. This isn't a major spoiler as it really has nothing to do with the story plot but be aware that's the context for this oneshot. 

Bakugo's pov:

It was getting late. I was packing up my duffle bag from training today, and was about to catch the bus home. This extra training was a pain in the fucking ass. Shitty deku has to be miles ahead of me by now, him busy going all out on his internship. Every one of my class mates was working extra hard and all I could do was sit back with icyhot and watch. How'd that even happen? I mean, let's be realistic last time I checked me and halfie were the strongest in the class. (don't tell him I said that) Yet somehow, thanks to our severe lack of social skills we're in good ole' supplementary classes. How fucking lovely.

Today wasn't that bad overall I guess. Training is training but— today I got an extraordinary highlight from todoroki. When he tried to pull that whole "Prince Charming" charismatic act I actually almost toppled over from laughter and that's saying something considering he's the least funny person I've ever met. In all honesty, I really didn't think he had it in em. Like...todoroki was the most stoic, dense person i've ever met. I didn't think he could even pretend to be a ladies man. Holy shit was it funny. It was so good I kinda believed it. Pfft. As if that bastard could flirt with a woman or man.

I slung my heavy duffle over my right shoulder and made my way out of the locker room. Taking my time I strolled casually towards the front exit. Dinner would already be made back at the dorms and the bus didn't come for another 15 minutes so I was in no rush. The large doors swung opened under the pressure of my hands and I was less then surprised to see none other that todoroki himself standing outside the door. It had become common practice for us to wait together for the bus ride home. Considering we would be going to the same place and I didn't hate his presence I was fine with the action. We kinda sorta started sticking together these last couple weeks anyways. We're the only students from our class who have to attend these shitty classes and I at least understand that it's in my best interest to work with him rather then against him.

Todoroki's head turned up to catch my gaze and without words he followed me as I trudged forward to the bus stop. I was simply looking around at the scenery  as he listened to I can only assume some band through his beat up earbuds. Soon enough we reached the corner where willow avenue and center street met, and I took a seat on the bus stop bench, spreading my legs out across the wooden planks.

"You could at least leave some room for me." an irritated voice spoke up from behind.


  Of course. I rolled my eyes, the melodrama radiating off me just to piss him off, but in the end dragged my feet of the bench. I was sore from training and I knew he wouldn't be exempt from the pain, so I suppose he as well deserved to sit and relax. I expected him to just go back to his phone but once he got comfortable he spoke up.

"Wow...the Katsuki Bakugo moved his feet, for me? Why I'm so honored."

I gave him a glare,

"Oi what are you on about."

"It's just not everyday you see an act of such kindness from the one and only Bakugo. And for me? Well I was certain you'd only save such actions for someone you truly liked."

I scoffed. "All I did was move my feet halfnhalf don't flatter yourself. I'll move them back if you don't shut it"

He gave a soft chuckle shaking his head and going back to his phone. A smile playing at his lips.

"What's so funny huh?"

He smiled again turning to face me completely before he spoke.

"It's just, you're always so bitter Bakugo. Why? You scrunch ur fave up into some scowl and bark out insults. Why do that when you have it in you to be attractive?."


"I know you were trying to make fun of me, but you looked so good when you were imitating me earlier. You're hot when you try...you just don't try that often."

I started at him wide eyed. w h a t. What the fuck did he just say and why the hell did it come out so casually? Did he actually just tell me straight to my face that I'm hot?

"O-oi what's wrong with you huh? Was that some sorta joke halfie?" I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Not in the slightest. Have you looked in a mirror? You're fit as hell, you're jawline is sharp, you're eyes are gorgeous. If you simply weren't so brash all the time I'm sure you'd have girls and guys swooning. I mean, it's not like you caught my eye for no reason. I just wish you'd put a little more effort into controlling you're temper." He sighed, turning back to his phone a smirk now residing on his lips. "Oh well, maybe one day."

I blinked. Mouth agape. I was now certain I was blushing. Fuck— Where did this come from? Did he just confess to me in some weird Todoroki way? And why the hell was it affecting me so much? I've had plenty of girls confess to me in middle school and it never mattered then. I never felt all giddy and flustered. Ew this was not what's suppose to happen. Katsuki Bakugo does not get flustered.

If I think about it logically it's really no big deal that class 1-As deemed pretty boy thinks I'm hot. It's no big deal that he's one of my only classmates I have a deep respect for. It's no big deal I know at least half of the girls would kill to be in my position right now. It's no big deal that I know if in some universe we got together, we would be super fucking kickass partners with our compatible quirks, and make a shit ton of money, and be Japan's best heros and— holy shit I need to stop thinking.

My mouth was dry as hell. Fuck. I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead as his gaze rested so sweetly on mine. My hands were as clammy as ever and for a moment I feared my quirk might go off. I went to speak and there were simply no words. I couldn't for the life of me muster the venom I usually spit. My eyes narrowed, now irritated that I fell into his trap so easily.

"Flustered are we?"

This fucker. I bite the inside of my lip.

"That's cute. Good to know I can solicit such emotions." He looked down to his wristwatch quickly.

"Well looks like the bus will be here shortly. Although I'd love to ride with you I have to go meet Midoriya and a few others at the cafe on 3rd ave. We have a bet that needs to be payed up for. Uraraka didn't believe Momo when she told her I had a confident side. I don't show it often but I was getting pretty fed up with my feelings. It's difficult to ignore my attraction to you when I get to see you one on one everyday at these supplementary classes. I hope I didn't fry you're brain too much, the bus ride home should be enough time to collect you're thoughts." He paused. "You know my number, text me sometime."

With a sly smile and a small wink, he got up and started down the steet.

My heart felt like it was gonna jump right out of my chest. Holy shit. That just happened.

The bus pulled up no less then a minute later and in a dazed state I pulled myself off the bench, making my way onto the bus. I should have been angry. I really should have but I was so disoriented I simply couldn't find it in me. He was smooth. That bastard turned me into a mess and ya know what...I respected him for it. I shook my head and spoke quietly under my breath.

"Well icyhot, well played. Guess I'll have to take you up on that offer."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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