Finding Love in the Least Likely of Places

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Sam laughs and Dee wonders what's so funny. He asks her, "Did you ever in a million years think we'd be together?" "Honestly? No.", she states matter-of-factly, her green eyes crinkled into a smile. "What made you think about that? We've been together two years now." "I know, but as much as you were in love with Lee and me with Kara, I just find it funny that we found each other."

Dee thought about what he was saying and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I never thought I could love someone like I love Lee and I definitely did not think that you would love anyone, but Kara." They talked about Fate and Destiny and how both had shined on them, and how not only were they together, but Dee had given birth to twins, Sam, Jr. and Samantha.

Sam watched her as she rocked Samantha to sleep and then handed Sam, Jr. off to him to feed. While he was feeding him, he asked Dee, "Do you ever regret us getting together?" Dee, caught off guard, brows furrowed, said emphatically, "No! Why would you ask such a thing? I love you. Do I ever think about when it was just me and Lee? Well of course. I wonder sometimes if we would have had kids and if I would ever had had all of his heart. Since we've been together, I have never been happier, nor felt safer or more secure."

She smiled and Sam's heart melted. "I know how you feel." Sam said, "When it was just Kara I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop." (And my heart, Sam thought to himself). Sam handed Sam, Jr. back to Dee to burp and change. She wrinkled her nose and stated, "Not funny Anders!" Sam, Jr. definitely needed changing, but the howls of laughter coming from Sam made having to bear the stench worth it. It felt good to see him smile again and not have him have that guarded look. Being with Sam was definitely more of a joy than she thought it was going to be.

Sam and Anastasia-I Do and I Do Again (Part I)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora