The Draw

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The Draw

I can feel the draw,

I can feel it pulling me back,

It's pulling me back.

Are you drifting way beyond what's normal?

Cause round your mind rings,

The words that they would say.

When you go home, everything looks different

And you're scared of being left behind?

Just listen to your friends, they only care and hope you're alright.

"You look horrible," was Ginny's first words as Hermione walked into her hospital room. The red-head was already up and dressed in a pair of jeans and a red sweater, a scarf wrapped around her neck. In her arms was baby Lily, still fast asleep. Hermione knew she looked terrible; her hair was an utter mess this morning and refused to coöperate. She was dressed in a comfy pair of jeans and she was pretty sure her sweater was on backwards, but her head and eyes hurt too much to care. She had tossed and turned all night, barely sleeping as the sight of Malfoy haunted her. The storm raged on during the night just like Hermione's thoughts raged on. She found herself wondering if he was alright, but she quickly brushed those thoughts away. She would not pity him, not after what he had done to her. He deserved everything he got.

"Thanks," Hermione mumbled as she rubbed her eyes. "They're letting you go already?" She asked as she walked over to kiss the top of Lily's head softly. She was only coming for a visit, but now it looks like she would be the one to take Ginny home, unless Harry was around there somewhere. "And where is Harry?" The room was empty except for the three of them and Ginny's bag.

"I've done this a few times Hermione; I don't need all the instructions like I did the first time. I feel fine and they said Lily was ready to go home. Harry has gone to get the car," Ginny held Lily out to Hermione, who gladly took her into her arms, making sure to support her head. She had all the confidence in the world in Ginny's mothering abilities; she seemed to have a good handle on the four boys in the house. Ginny rummaged through a few cupboards before finding what she was looking for and straightening up. She held up a small vial of clear liquid, showing it to Hermione, who immediately recognized it.

"Honestly Ginny, I'm not hung-over," she scolded, swaying Lily gently.

"It doesn't just work for hangovers smart ass," Ginny said as she walked back to Hermione, taking Lily from her and handing her the vial. "It'll help with that headache."

Hermione mumbled a thank you before picking up Ginny's bag, pocketing the potion. There was a potion for everything and even after all these years she still wasn't used to using them. She would feel better once she's had a cup of coffee to drown herself in. She followed Ginny out of the room, waving at a few healers she knew as the two of them made their way towards the front of the hospital.

"Come by for coffee in the afternoon," Ginny said as Hermione held the door open for her and they both stepped out into the street. The air was fresh and clean after last night's storm and the sky was a brilliant blue. Hermione loved the smell of the city after the rain, it smelled fresh and like the earth. The rain washed away all the bad smells and the filth, leaving everything clean. If only the rain could wash away her thoughts and make them clean too.

"Of course, but you need to get some rest Ginny." Hermione scanned the street for Harry and the familiar black ministry cars that usually accompanied them, but she couldn't spot them.

"Rest? I barely know what the word means anymore," Ginny asked as she too swept her eyes across the street. "Hermione did you leave your car here?"

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