[02] ❛MISSED CALL❜ ( STEVE ! )

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a/n- i hate this one. enjoy.

Seven missed calls.
One voicemail.
All from Steve.
She knows how Steve gets if he can't get ahold of her; he worries. After his last run in with Hydra and their threats to hurt her, it terrifies him that they'll find her, use her as leverage, or possibly even kill her; just to get to Steve. And he knows that if it came down to her, he'd assume sacrifice himself, no questions asked. It's just the thought of her in harms way that puts him on edge.
So, here she is, staring at her phone, contemplating whether or not she should call, because she knows exactly what he'll say.
Where are you?
Why didn't you answer?
You know how I get.
You know how I worry.
And she does know how he worries, and she hates it that he does so much. Considering his line of work she never felt as though she should be as big a deal as he makes her.
With the press of a shaky thumb to the screen, the voicemail begins playing: "Hey! Where are you? I've called seven times! I'm worried sick; and I mean that, I'm actually nauseous. Please call me and tell me you're okay. I need to hear your voice, please. I love you, baby girl." — and then the voicemail ends.
And now, she feels like shit. She didn't mean to miss all seven calls. She was just busy; out with friends for once, having a good time. Which is something Steve actually recommended. He's very protective (i.e. borderline insane when it comes to her), and he keeps her pretty sheltered. But, he means well, he really does.
She decides it's best to call him rather than ignore the voicemail and add onto the yelling she's gonna hear when she gets home.


"Hey! Are you okay? You're okay, right?"
"Yes, Steve, baby, I'm okay."
He lets out a loud sigh of relief, "That's so good to hear, baby girl. So, so good to hear."
His love begins to twist a stand of her hair, an act she often does when nervous. "Look, Steve, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. My phone was in my purse the whole night, and I didn't think to check it, it just slipped my mind. I'm so sorry, Steve—"
"No more apologies. You're okay, and now I can relax. Everything is okay now," Steve reassured her. "So, anyway... When will you be home?... I miss you."
The girl couldn't help but smile, a smile that Steve has loved since the moment he met her. "I'm on my way right now, I'm calling a cab. I miss you, too," she cooed.
She stepped outside from the club and hailed a taxi from the curb. As soon as she got the attention of one, she stepped in and got settled.
"Hey, baby girl, stay on the phone with me until you get here?" Steve asked in a way that she couldn't refuse.
"Of course, Steve—"
Before she could finish, the taxi driver turned to her, his current form diminishing, revealing his true figure beneath.
He unholstered his weapon, and aimed his sights on the scared girl.
"Steve!" She screamed, but it was no use. The Winter Soldier fired his weapon, sending a single bullet through her chest — her heart — killing her instantly. Her body goes limp, and her phone falls to the floorboard.
As Steve sat on the line, realization began to set in, but before he could speak, Bucky had already taken her phone, "Steve Rogers. Nice talking to you again. Now that your distraction is out of the way, we can do business. I'm sure you'll be glad to see me." And then the line goes dead.
Steve's greatest fear has come true; losing his love. This is something he can't forgive even Bucky for. Steve will be damned if he let's even Bucky stand in his way of revenge. Hydra will come crumbling down in her name.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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