Daily Homework Madness

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"Ya finish the homework?" Said Henry "I forgot!" I cry. "Did you do your own?" He replies "Yes?" I give myself out and know what's next. Henry stops holding me up and punches my neck and kicks me. "Watch next time! If you can't do simple homework, then your going to punished very bad." He and his gang walks away. "If it's so simple then do it yourself Henry." I say to myself.

I pull myself together and leave the washroom long after the boys left. I run to science class but end up being late. "Go get a late slip!" Yells Ms.Merrell. "Again?" Jordan says. "It was the Henry." "Why can't you just tell somebody you coward" "Well you see, I don't want my bones to be smash into pieces like the last chips in a bag." "Dope analogy dude" "How can you use a word like analogy and still sound stupid in the same sentence?" "I SAID GO!" Say Ms. Merrell. I run down the hallways and get stopped by the principal. "Running again Erin?" "No I was just going to get a late slip so I can go to the classroom and be successful?" "No excuse, detention." She gives a stare as I walk, to office.

They give me a late slip and I go back to classroom. I next to Jordan and Ms. Merrell says "Your not sitting here anymore, next to Cameron." Cameron? That guys a weirdo that just asks you a bunch of stupid questions. I sit next to him but I slide my chair to get a distance away from him. "Ha!" Says Jordan in the back. "Where do you live?" He says "The same place you do, the earth." "But like where on the earth?" "I don't think I'd give that to you" "Why do you always wear a hat?" "Ask the snowy sky" I say.

The teacher tells us to go on the fifth chapter of our textbooks. I should've done Henry's homework, my stomach hurts. I can't do this for long though.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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