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Rin pov.




These were the words going through my head as I watched the blood drip from the deep cuts on my wrists. Finally I would be able to die in peace, Yukio wouldn't be able to stop me. Not like he cared, he would only save me to be a weapon for the Vatican. He had moved out a while ago, and my ex-friends all hated and feared me because of something I couldn't control. My vision was getting blurry, suddenly I saw a poof of pink smoke. It was probably Mephisto, I really hope he just leaves my alone. Then everything turned black.

Mephisto pov.

I poofed myself into Rin's dorm, to hopefully relieve the fear that had been roiling in my stomach all day, only to find it coming true. Rin sat there in the middle of the room, blood running down his hands from the cuts on his wrists. I ran over to him just as he passed out. I caught him and pressed the cloth of my jacket over his wrists to try and slow the flow of blood as I called the one person who could heal him on such short notice. In less than a minute after I ended the call a gust of wind blew through the room. My head snapped up, my eyes meeting with eyes of pure silver. I let loose a sigh of relief as my brain registered who those piercing eyes belong to.

Nyx pov.

I landed beside Samael, taking in the room. My eyes immediately landing on our little brother. In seconds I was on my knees, hands covering his wrists. I released a long breath, the air curling down around my arms and onto his, healing his wounds. As soon as they were fully healed I turned to Sameal and let out the tears I had been holding in since I got there. It hurt so much seeing my little brother like this, all because of some ignorant humans. I curled into my Sameal even more, wiping my eyes with his shirt.

Rin pov.

The sound of quiet sobbing was the first thing I heard. Why wasn't I dead? I'm pretty sure I made the cuts deep enough. I slowly opened my eyes to realize that I was still in my dorm. I let out a low groan, my body was stiff from laying on the ground. Suddenly I was pulled into a warm embrace, I froze, who would hug a demon like me?! No one cares about me! So how could someone be hugging me? I lifted my head and took in the appearance of the person who was embracing me. To my great surprise it was the girl who constantly appeared in my dreams, a girl who was supposedly also the spawn of Satan. "...N-nyx?" I whispered not really believing that she was real and not a figment of my imagination. "I'm so happy that you're okay! I don't know what I would have done if I was to late!" She said softly. "You're actually real? Not something I made up in my dreams?" I asked still not really believing what was happening. "Of course I'm real!" She said

Nyx pov.

I pulled myself away from him slightly, to give him some space. "Hey, how 'bout you stay with me for awhile? To get away from all those exorcists. When you're ready we can go to Gahenna, ya?" I asked quietly, trying not seem like I was going to force him to come with me. "Whatever..." was his reply, it was dead and with no emotion. "Alright." With that we disappeared to the Realm of Dreams, my home.


Yukio pov.

I stormed to Mephisto's office. Rin has been missing for the whole day! I need to know where he is! He could have lost control and be on a killing rampage for all we know! "Mr. Pheles! Where is Rin!" I yelled as I barged in. "That is none of your concern." He replied, his tone was angry, he looked extremely mad. "Yes it is my concern! He could have lost control and be killing people! He is the son of Satan!" I yelled, furious.

Mephisto pov.

I was absolutely FURIOUS!!! How could his own twin brother treat Rin like that! How dare he! "If my memory serves me right you are also the son of Satan, Yukio." I growled. "I am no son of that monster! My father was Shiro Fujimoto!" Screeched the boy. "You will not be seeing Rin for a long time. You will not hurt him anymore, he is somewhere where he will be safe and happy! Now GET OUT!" I growled before transporting myself to the Time Dimension to calm my nerves.

The Ten Spawn's of Satan (Rin x Amaimon)Where stories live. Discover now