Chapter Seventeen- Lilah

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       After school ends on Thursday, Celia suggests that we hang out after school. I tell her that I can't because I have to tutor Dylan, and she frowns slightly, but she quickly hides it.
Wonder what that's all about. I suggest that she come over to my house after my tutoring session and she quickly agrees.

      Dylan is already at the library when I show up. His head is bent over his history textbook. I call out a greeting to him.

     "Hey, Dyl! Ready to get down to some serious tutoring?" He looks up, an odd expression on his face.

       "'Dyl'? Seriously?" He asks skeptically. "And I'm not really sure how much you can help me, so I think I'm gonna just study alone."

        I raise an offended eyebrow. Well, I can't actually raise on eyebrow, even with literal hours spent practicing in front of a mirror. Wow. I have no life. So my attempt at raising an eyebrow attempts lots of wiggling both eyebrows wierdly and completely scrunching up one side of my face.

     "What do you mean, you're not sure you cant can't help me?" I ask slightly aggressively. Okay, Maybe a little aggressively.

      "You know," Dylan vaguely comments, rolling his eyes.

      "No, I really don't," I respond, annoyed.

        "Are you really making me spell it out for you?" Dylan asks.

         "Spell what out?" I ask, confused.

          "You're Lilah Green. You're great at cheerleading, and partying, and looking hot, but academics? Not your thing. And I need an actual tutor. So why don't you ask whoever you're cheating off of to come help me."

     After Dylan finishes his little monologue, my jaw drops, and I just stare at him confused for a few seconds, waiting for the punchline. This motherfucker has got to be kidding right now. But no. He's dead serious. I explode at him.

         "Who the FUCK do you think you are, Dylan Mitchell!? And what do you know about me? Nothing. So you can take your condescending, self righteous attitude and shove it up your ass, along with that stick that's so far up there. And what right do you have to pass judgement on MY intelligence? Clearly you're not doing to well if you need a tutor so badly!" I scream at him. He looks up at me bewildered. "Oh I'm sorry! Did I hurt your precious feelings, you shithog? Well guess what, bitchlet!? You can go fuck a tree!" He continues to stare, shocked. Didn't expect that, did you? I take a glance at the page he was struggling on over in the textbook. "Oh, and by the way, because I'm being nice, I'll help you out. That question you're stuck on? Easier than getting you into bed. The story of Xerxes at the Hellespont clearly demonstrates how Xerxes was impulsive, ruled by his temper, and was a powerful but flawed leader. How's that for academics not being my strong suit?" Suck on that, fucktard.

         Right after my mini tantrum, the elderly librarian storms over to me.

       "Miss Green! I do not tolerate raised voices in my library! I especially do not tolerate the use of salty language! I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She scolds me.

      I roll my eyes, collect my shit, and leave. Looks like I will get to hang out with Celia earlier than I expected.

AN: sorry for the wait, I had major writer's block. I know it's short and kind of a filler chapter, but it sets up for the next two chapters, which will be better. So what do you think of Lilah's tantrum? Did Dylan deserve it? Be sure to comment what you think!


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