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My fingers slipped across the pages of my novel, grazing over the familiar pages with a tender fondness. Waves crashed in a repetitive cycle against the rocky shore and the sun burned above me in the sky, casting it's hateful gaze to where I sat alone. Then the waves stopped and everything fell silent. As my gaze swept out to sea, miles of uncovered beach were visible and a man stood alone, his back turned to me. A wave rose behind him, looming at an impossible height, threatening to block out the sun.

 Fulfilling my expectations, a woman with wings descended from the sky, Falcon. Without hesitation she dove into battle, however once she brought the battle to the ground, the fight was lost and she was dragged into the ocean.

 The next to arrive was a man that everyone at the agency called Green. His bright green hair stood out against the deep blue of the waves, like some odd grass spot in the middle of the ocean. Green was excellent at hand to hand combat, unfortunately the battle was occurring within a great deal of water and the opposition had the advantage. I averted my gaze as Green was swept into the salty water, never surfacing again. 

The villain turned to me and cast his arms forward and the water that had been building up behind him swept towards the beach and city, as I inflated a lifeboat that had been given to me by a friend who was concerned that I would be swept out to sea if I spent so much time on the beach. 

 The wave crashed down destroying everything in it's path, leaving the city obliterated. I watched with sorrowful eyes as people around were swept away by the waves, taking their final breaths as their lungs filled with salt water. 

I floated in my lifeboat over the ruined city, passing through streets that now served as rivers. 

"Why didn't you save them?" I heard a voice yell, full of hate. "Your shirt says your from the agency." 

 "There was nothing I could do. I only can only predict death, not prevent it." I replied.

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