March 24th, 12:10 PM

184 2 0

“Okay, so tell me about Blake,” Kyle says as she and Jayne walk across the courtyard toward their usual lunchtime bench.

“You mean you’re ready to listen now?” Jayne nudges Kyle with her shoulder.

“Sorry. Long weekend.” Her confrontation with Colter in art class still weighs on Kyle, but the distance of the last two classes lifts some of the burden from her mind.

“Okay, you ready?” Jayne falls to the bench dramatically, eyes fluttering and blonde curls bouncing around her shoulders. “So he walks in the party, and everything stopped. It was like the movies, you know? The big scene where the main character walks in and everyone turns to stare? That’s what happened. All the girls were totally drooling.” She fans herself, miming how hot he looked. “And he just ignores everyone and walks over to the bar, pours two drinks, and then walks straight to me!”

“Wait,” Kyle interrupts, “you took a drink from a guy you’d never met?”

“Whatever. I’m fine. You are so your father’s daughter.”

Kyle shrugs. Motions for Jayne to continue.

“We talked forever. He’s studying photography and graphic design right now, but he’s totally into helping the ocean and wants to study oceanography, too. Isn’t that perfect?”

Kyle nods, but a movement catches her eye, pulling her attention from Jayne. A man stands at the corner of the courtyard, leaning against the building. The sun glints off his red hair. Kyle’s heart gallops against her ribs.

“He wants to get a graphic design job to help pay for his other degree, and do freelance photography and stuff. He’ll only go to school part time, so it’ll take him longer, but we can go to Wilmington together. Isn’t that just perfect?”

A girl reaches the man and rises onto her toes to give him a quick kiss. Hand-in-hand, they walk into the courtyard, and the adrenaline leaks out of Kyle’s system. It’s Wes Cooper, a senior basketball player. His hair isn’t nearly as red as it looked only moments before.

Jayne’s words finally reach her. “Wait,” Kyle says. “You just met him two days ago and you’re already planning to go to college with him?” What was going on? First Colter, now Jayne.

“Oh, I’m not an idiot. I know it’s super fast.” Jayne sighs, and Kyle has to bite back a laugh at her dramatic friend. “But it would be nice if it all works out.”

A deep voice cuts into their conversation. “Hi, Kyle. Jayne,” Colter says, acknowledging her briefly before turning back to Kyle. "Can I sit with you two?"

Kyle freezes, staring up at him in disbelief. Jayne says, “I didn’t know you had lunch this period.”

“I usually don’t,” Colter says. “I have a doctor appointment this afternoon.” His eyes flick to Kyle’s lips briefly. “I’m waiting from a message from my mom.”

“You can’t drive?”

He turns to Jayne, looking at her fully for the first time. “Gotta leave the car for Jackson.”

Jayne beams at him. “Jack’s driving already?”

Colter shrugs. “He’s got his permit, so he’s not really allowed, but he’s got to get home sometime. He has practice after school, so he can’t take the bus.” He checks his phone then looks around nervously.

“What time’s your appointment?” Kyle asks, her voice wavering.

Colter’s eyes light up, even though his face is still etched with worry, and he replies, “In twenty. My mom was supposed to pick me up ten minutes ago.”

“Just go,” Jayne says. “I was gonna stick around to work on my piece some after school anyway. I’ll take Jack home.”

Colter looks to Kyle in response, eyes pleading. She feels herself leaning toward him, feels the pull he has on her. It charges the air around them, a mix of excitement and hunger. She forces herself back. Looks to Jayne and gives a single nod.

“Okay,” Colter says half-heartedly. “Thanks, Jayner. I owe ya.” With one more long look at Kyle, he turns and lopes back across the courtyard.

Jayne is staring at Kyle, curiosity pouring from her.

“Jayner, eh?” Kyle says.

Blush lights Jayne’s cheeks, but her smile is open and genuine. “Yeah,” she says, “it’s something his dad used to call me, back when my parents would send me over there when they went to all their parties.” Her face suddenly grows sad.

“Well, I like it,” Kyle says, hoping to steer the conversation away from the subject of Mr. O’Connell. “I think I’ll have to make sure Blake knows that one.”

“Don’t you dare,” Jayne says then pops an apple slice in her mouth. She looks at Kyle sideways and says, a song on her voice, “I told you Colter’s a nice guy.”

“Yeah,” Kyle says with her heart fluttering in her throat, “yeah, you did.”

Incubus, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now