Just Your Usual Road Trip

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The car ride was quiet up until we reached the highway.

"So what gave you the idea of a road trip?" John caught me off guard.

"Hm?" I reply.

"Why'd you want to go on a trip?"

"Oh, I just wanted to get to know you more considering we don't talk much. We just exist in the same area"

"Correction, you don't talk much"

"Still, i want to know about the guy im dating"

"Hmm... What about playing 20 questions?" He asks.

I think for a minute. Surely nothing bad can come from this.

"Sure" I say.

"Ok, when's your birthday?"

"January 11th, 1997"

"Mine is October 28, '94"

"Favorite color?" I ask.

"Green. You?" He says.

"I like blue but I prefer green as well"

"Hmm... Any crushes in school?"

"That's a hard no"

"What? How come?"

"Because 1, I'm self taught for practically everything so i didnt meet anyone at school. And two, people are trash."

"Wow. A lot of people had crushes on me but didnt know I'm gay" he sighs.

"I wish I could've seen the look on their faces! Most embarrassing moment?"

"First day of college and forgetting i was still in my pajamas"

"Pff wow. I once set water on fire!" I joke.

"Im not even gonna ask how the hell you did that. Job?"

"I'm a hitman. You- wait a minute... What kind of mindfuckery is this?" I look at John then back at the road.

"Wait you're a hitman? I thought they were only in the movies..." He trails off.

"Well I guess its out in the open now. I'm a hitman who can't even keep a stupid secret! I dont even know why Washington hired me-"

John puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey relax, its ok. I wouldn't care if you were a murderer, even though technically you are. I still love you"

I blush a little before replying. "Thanks John. Hey wanna listen to some music?" He nods.

"Pass me the mixtape from my backpack"

"Dude, its 2019! Why do you still have a mixtape?"

"Hey, the way I think of it, your body is a triangle. (That was a references to something lin said one time). Everyone has that part of them that's childish and immature. There's the part of you thats your morals and overall personality. Then theres that extremely small part of you thats actually mature"

"What are you, a philosopher?"

"Fight me philosophy!"

He chuckles and freezes when he take out the tape.

"You didn't..." He says.

"I did indeed John, I got the Miranda Mixtape AND got it signed" i smirk.

"Holy- I thought you didnt like musicals"

"What? Whered you get that idea? Come on, play the tape"

He smiles as we both jam out to music until we're off the highway and in another state. At one point, we were at a red light and i forgot the window was down until i looked to the side.

"lets show these federalists who they're up against... THE SOUTHERN, MOTHERFU-" i turned and saw people in the car next to us staring at me.

I just rolled up the window and continued singing while driving away.


"i think youre less of a triangle and more of a line. Definitely less mature than me" john laughs.

"Hey i may be a line but im not a straight line" I say nonchalantly.

He lightly punches my arm.

"Oh no, you hurt me, I'm going to die now. You killed me" I joke.

"Wow. If that's the case im taking all your stuff"

"No! Im alive and im keeping my stuff!" He laughs.

I smile up until i see someone driving towards us. I honk my horn but they dont stop. In fact they speed up.

I get a feeling i know who it is.

"Hey john take the wheel a sec"

He grabs the wheel while i lean out the window. I hope it isnt who I think it is...

"Get out the way as-" i fall back in my seat as the driver nearly slams into me. I know who it is though.

"John, youre gonna need to start driving in a sec" i say. I reach into my backpack and grab my pistol. I then climb to the roof of the van... Which turned out to be the most terrifying thing I've ever done.

Also kinda refreshing. The breeze flowing by, the smooth car ride, the- holy crap there's a biird!

I duck before nearly getting decapitated.

As soon as the car pulls up next to us I jump across, breaking the window and sitting next to the driver.

"Hey there jeffershit, hows life?" I say innocently.

He glares at me and aims a gun at my head.

"Woah geez, so much for introductions. How about you put the gun down and we just talk, 'k?"

"Hamilton you idiot! I have a gun aimed at your head!" He growls.

"Yeah, and my seatbelt isn't buckled."


I punch him in the face and shoot him in the gut. Before Jefferson has time to react I climb over and jump back to the van. Im still hanging in the side when john rolls down the window.

"You good?" He asks.

"Yeah im good" I glance over at Jefferson who just crashed into a poke. The van stops.

"...I'm sure hes Ok-"

Jefferson's car exploded

"Nope! Not okay! Drive!"

We speed off away from the mess of destruction. Im still hanging onto the side of the van while John drives.

"This. Is. AWESOME!"

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