Pink Choco Cookie x Male Reader ~Be my Companion!~

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(You see...making these one shots are way more easier than thinking about how the next chapter of Percy Jackson will be. And 16 people read this in the span of one day. Please follow me.)

You were relaxing after a hard day of escaping the Witch's kitchen. Every cookie went back to their homes to rest for the night. You didn't feel like sleeping, since you weren't tired yet. So you decided to take a late night stroll around the area.

"Man, it feels great outside! Maybe this will help me get some sleep." You said while finding a nice spot under a tree.

The sky was littered with countless stars. The moon in its crescent state. Moonlight Cookie was working on giving the other cookies good dreams. She was also working on uniting you and another cookie together. Romantically. We all know that's not what she does, but she's helping you get some cookie coochie.

(Someplace else...)

In another area, we have the famous Pink Choco Cookie in her spaceship, thinking about how she can improve her Love Virus.

"Hmmm...if I add a bit more sugar and Pink, and make it airborne, maybe it will affect the entire Cookie World! What do you think-"

But as she turned, there was nobody with her. She sighed in sadness.

"It's ironic how I'm helping Cookies improve their love life while I can't seem to find someone to love..."

You see, Pink Choco Cookie is a half android, half cookie. Made from robot parts and lots of sugar and chocolate. All the sweetness fused into the robot parts, thus, causing Pink Choco to be born. Unfortunately, throughout her travels, she has to do all of the work on her lonesome. That is, until she notices a familiar (Insert favorite thing here) type cookie lying against a tree.

(Back to you...)

As you were relaxing against the tree, getting sleepy, you caught a glimpse of a UFO shaped like a huge, yellow gummy bear face.

"That looks like Pink Choco Cookie's ship. Wonder what she's doing?"

(Inside her spaceship...)


Pink Choco Cookie is currently fangirling about your looks. What can you say? You're probably competing with Herb Cookie at this point.

"I-I have to get to know him first! Or I can just inject him with the Love Virus and-OH MY COOKIE GODS I FORGOT TO CONTROL THE SHIP!"

As she forgot to pilot the spaceship, you noticed that the ship was beginning to go down. And down. And even more down. Until it crashed into the forest.

(Back to you. Again.)

"Oh Cookie Gods! I hope Pink Choco is alright!"

You got up fast and dashed into the forest, using your Special Ability that you get to chose how it's called and how it looks like.

Once you arrived to the forest, you could see Pink Choco Cookie, wobbling outside of her now destroyed spaceship. Her heart shaped power core on her chest was cracked, sparks were flying off her left arm and head. She looked pretty injured.

"Pink Choco Cookie! Are you alright?!" You said as you ran towards her.

"(Y-Y/N)? Is that you...?"

"Oh Cookie're gonna be alright! I'll go get help!"

But as you were about to run towards the small cookie village, Pink Choco Cookie grabbed your gingerbread hand, making your attention go to her.

"The Love it safe..?" She asked with concern.

"That's not important right now, Pink! We gotta get somecookie to help you." You reassured her as you were about to pick her up bridal style.

"Then...c-can I have one final request...before I shut d-down...?" Pink Choco asked as tears started to form.

"Anything, Pink..." you said.





"K-Kiss me..." Pink whispered.

You were a bit skeptical about this, but you had to complete a cookie's final request. As you inched closer to Pink Choco Cookie's face, she pulled you towards her, lips making contact. You muffled a gasp, but Pink Choco reassured you with another pull towards her face. The kiss was...full of passion. It was like she wanted to kiss you all this time. Unfortunately as Cookies do need oxygen to breathe, both of you pulled away, gasping and blushing hard.

"Thank you, (Y/N)..."

Then, her core started to flash, engulfing her in a whitish pink light.

"P-Pink Choco...? What's going on..?!" You cried out in worry.

You could see her figure, slowly rising up, and started spinning. As the glow was starting to get brighter and brighter, the last thing that you saw was a flash of light.





And then...there she was.

Pink Choco Cookie was in perfect condition and giving you a loving smile. You gasped in happiness and ran towards her arms.

"Pink! I'm so glad you're safe!"

"It's okay, (Y/N). I just needed some love to heal me. And it worked!" She said with a smile.

"S-so...does this mean that you like me?" You asked, hoping for the right answer.

"Like you? I LOVE you! And I hope if...if you could be my companion...?" Said Pink Choco as she looked down, blushing hard.

You looked at her face and you realized how beautiful she looked. You couldn't bare think about how lonely she was during her travels.

"I'd be honored to. I promise that I'll be be best cookie companion you have ever had!"

She giggled and jumped into your arms, causing both of you to spin around and laugh. Up from above, Moonlight Cookie was proud of her work, and she resumed to go back to sleep.







3 months have passed since your encounter with Pink Choco Cookie. Your travels with her were amazing. Not only did you perfected the Love Virus, you also managed to win Pink Choco Cookie's "Cherry", if you know what I mean~ *wink wink nudge nudge*

You two were currently relaxing at the tree where it all happened, Pink Choco Cookie relaxing her head on your shoulder while your arm wrapped around her.

"*sigh* Remember how we met, (Y/N)?"

"Indeed I do, my sweet. It feels like it was yesterday that you crash landed near the woods. And, I was meaning to ask this. Did you had a huge crush on me back then?"

"Well...that's a long story. And I'm glad to tell you how it all began, my love."

You and Pink exchanged a passionate kiss, and you both spent the rest of the night, enjoying eachother's company.

(Chapter 2 is done! I'm thinking of playing Cookie Wars now. Again, don't forget to follow and request! It really means a lot!)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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