I will never forget you...

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My favorite childhood memory is not really, my favorite, but it was when I learned how strong the feeling of love really is.

I still remember his dark black coat, his deep brown eyes, and his old man looking, white hairs on his snout. I remember my last winter with him. Me and my mom bought him his last bed. He always loved sleeping in his dog beds. My most favorite memoirs of him is how good he listened.

Growing up finding friends, wasn't a luxury like most kids had. Finding a friend came hard to me because I was always moving around, that and I found it hard to connect with girls like other girls could. I grew up with boys so I felt it easier to connect with boys better. Girls found me weird, boys found me easy to talk to I guess? Although I didn't have the friend, I did have him. Jud talked to me more than anyone ever had. He understood me more than anyone in the world. He was my partner in crime. My buddy old pal. Even though forever felt like it would never end, it sadly had to. Most kids would be excited to go home to hang out with their friends, but I was excited to go home to my dog. I would walk through the door and he would be so happy to see me. Every day, the same old routine. I never got bored of it, neither did he.

He started hurting more and more each day. I could see the pain in his eyes. My mom started taking him to the vet every week. She said laser surgery would help his back legs. I was just hoping he would walk again. He had arthritis in his hips and legs.

My mom would make me go outside every day and feed him. He wouldn't eat if anyone else feeds him. My mom said it was his way of spending as much time with me as he could. I think it was just because I would talk to him and pet him until bedtime. I remember him falling outside and not being able to get up the stairs to get in. I remember thanking God it was in the summer. He always loved staying the night outside in the summer, it was too hot inside for him.

Jud was special the smartest dog I have ever known. As silly as it sounds, I would talk to him, and he would talk back. Like I said he understood me more than anyone.

The last day. The very last day, I got to see my buddy was that summer. That terrible summer. Weeks before my mom said those two terrible words I knew. My mom came inside after greeting Jud in the backyard. She came into me and said "it's time" the two words I felt for weeks, the two words I was scared to hear. I got up and told my mom "it couldn't be time. He is okay. He can walk". My mom looked at me and said: "if you can get him to walk 3 steps I'll let him stay."

Three steps that's all it took. That was easy, and I was determined to do it. I ran out back and threw myself in the grass a little ways away from him. I called his name so many times but nothing. I ran inside an grabbed some food, ran back to him and threw myself down. I called and called but still nothing. His eyes told me the same that mom told me. They said, "it's time". He knew just as much as I knew. I showed him the food and he stood up to walk to me. One step closer, to staying home with me. Two more an he was mine. Again, I called his name but it wasn't enough. I finally gave up. He fell back down. I finally realized after that, it was time. My mom had me help her put him in the back of her car. I stopped her before she shut the hatch. I had to talk to him one last time. He told me to take care of our family. He told me to be good. He said he loved me. He said, "until we meet again kid". I hugged him and told him I loved him and I'll never forget him. My mom shut the hache and left. That was it, my best friend gone just like that. My mom couldn't understand my pain. I ran inside and sat in the chair waiting for something. I don't know what, but I was waiting for it.

My mom came home with a big red collar the one Jud had one all the time, but no big black dog to fill it. My mom didn't say anything just walked in her room, laid down, and cried. I could her. So I get up and walk in her room the red collar laying on the floor. I start crying and lay on the bed with her.

A few years pass and I still have that red collar sitting right where I left it. All this time an I still cry thinking about the last day. I knew I would never find a human like him, A friend like him ever again.

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