the body

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Lauren jauregui walks into the crime scene of a fairly large apartment where a corpse remains. "thats brutal" she looks at the corpse who is identified as Austin mahone a former pop singer. he is tied up with an expensive looking white velvety scarf with stab wounds particularly on the chest and neck area. She looks around investigating as she finds the possible murder weapon an ice pick. "They really did a number on him"- "yeah sheesh" lauren says. "Did he have a girlfriend?" "yeah the names camila cabello she's a model and writer she's filthy rich to she inherited the money from her parents probably." dave says. "I need an address, i'm gonna talk to her."- "of course ma'am it's 111 laker avenue." lauren got in her old beat up buick and drove down the familiar streets until she reached her destination. The house was the opposite of small it was beautiful to. She peered through the windows on the door first then knocked. Seconds after a girl answered the door. Lauren walked in, the woman was fairly attractive with tan skin and obviously bleached hair that reached her shoulders. "Hello ma'am are you camila cabello?"- "no camila is a friend of mine" she smirked. "There's been a murder. Where is camila i need to see her for further questioning."- "she didn't kill him" lauren looked at her with a confused expression. "who said it was a him?" - "oh detective i would just assume" she smiled innocently, almost looking to innocent. "Alright enough, where is she right now"- "camila is at the beach. West side, it's the first house, the one with glass doors." Lauren finally made it to the beach after the dreadful car ride and poor directions from the girl earlier. She walked up the tiled pathway to the door and she noticed the door was slightly open. She walked in sensing someone else was there, she wasn't wrong shortly after, camila peered behind lauren. "Why are you in my house." she says. Lauren jumps slightly but turns around looking camila up and down. Camila pulled out a cigarette and before lighting it she says "I said what the fuck are you doing in my house" lauren absolutely dumbfounded says "oh right i'm detective jauregui, I am investigating the murder of your boyfriend austin mahone."  camila bites her lips. "he wasn't my boyfriend, I fucked him thats all." lauren rolls her eyes. "okay so how long have ya'll been having sex" camila laughs. "why are ya jealous shooter?" lauren looks at her seriously "this is my job camila. you cannot take this lightly, a man is dead for gods sake and second of all how do you even know about that?" camila smiles ": know a lot of things shooter. was it really an accident or did you shoot those tourist out of anger? your own pent up anger. I mean we're all a little crazy sometimes"




DISCLAIMER: ALL OF THESE CHARACTERS ARE PURELY FICTIONAL, I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS. minor details from the movie will be changed. for it is already not original and i am doing the best i can to make it slightly more original.

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