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"Do you want a cigarette jauregui" lauren looks at her with a blank expression suppressing the urge to say yes. "i quit a year ago" camila looks at her with a lustful glint in her eyes. "Oh is that so ms.jauregui." lauren chuckles. "call me lauren, Do you mind going to the station with me for further questioning on this investigation?" -"not one bit detective, let me get dressed" camila stumbles into her room undoing her robe to find out lauren was watching her from outside her window as she got into her car. She pretends not to notice as she slowly takes it off. Lauren comes to her senses and stops watching her. She doesn't know what has gotten into her, there was just something about the girl that made her want to know more about her it was strange. Its as if camila knew that, it's as if camila was using that against her for some manipulative mind game. Lauren can tell what type of horrible person she was, She knew she commited the crime but she happened to be guilty too. camila got into the car and lit a cigarette "would you like one?"

She smiles. "i quit, remember." camila knew what she was doing she thought it was fun toying with an individual's mind. As they got to the station the officers pulled camila back into the questioning room. Lauren went up to dave expecting him to say little to nothing she didn't expect the intel she was about to get. "Camila wrote a book lauren" lauren laughs "whoopty-fucking-do dave" dave tenses up feeling intimidated by the green eyed girl "no. she wrote a story about a popstar being killed with an ice pick with his hands tied to the bed with a white scarf. Sounds like a set-up"- "maybe it's an alibi because she knows it would be incredibly dumb to write about it. She wants you to think its a set up."

Lauren walks into the room looking directly at camila. "Were you with austin the day he passed?" camila looks into laurens eyes at an attempt to hypnotize her. "We went to the club that night, I didn't ride with him there though" "did you leave with mr.mahone ?"

"No ma'am I went home with my friend hayley" lauren felt so strongly that she was lying. "on mr.mahones autopsy report we found usage of coke and benzos. Did you do drugs with him"- "i mean we smoked a little grass but that's about it detective" camila lights a cigarette. "You aren't allowed to smoke in here" camila rolls her eyes "what are you gonna do charge me for smoking?" another detective laughs and shamelessly looks at camila's legs. Camila smirks as she ashes her cigarette."lauren do you want one?" lauren laughs "are you fucking kidding me, i said no." - "did you say no to lucy?" lauren scoffs "how do you even know these things."

Camila's eyes were piercing through hers at this point "the same way you know i don't wear any underwear." lauren suddenly gains recollection on what she means, hinting towards when lauren was watching her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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