Chapter one...

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It was dark... The waters unnaturally still... The moon light shined on the beautiful waters though.. Vikings only traveled these waters to see the sights... For the famous creatures call mermaids... Vikings always wanted them for a prize, to show off to others... Some wanted to experience the romance, but realize their fools when going deep into the deeps to drown...

Their was a tribe, from the land Norway, sailing these waters.

Leifr was the quiet one, his fellow pillagers would've told you, had you asked what his problem was. And true to their word, he stood at the bow of his ship silently and strongly, cloaked in furs and pelts, his helmet of iron held under his arm. They had spotted a cove off in the distance, and he had demanded firmly and with all the respect of a leader that they take the chance to explore it. Who knows they might meet one of the forbidden creatures that supposedly waded in these waters. The boat pulled very close to the jagged rocks, and he scanned the dark waters with his indigo eyes, his long, silvery blonde hair being blown to and fro by the force wind.

The rocks had ship wrecks, and skeletons. The water seemed to contain deadly secrets. In the distance, was humming, and soft singing. From the rocks, a things moved away from his sight, the water moving around swiftly. From afar, a pair of glowing blue eyes stared at him. The men went to sides of the ship, looking at the ship wrecks.

Leifr caught sight of the most beautiful lights he had ever seen, sitting atop a dark rock. He raised a hand and then lowered it a few times, signaling for his crew to anchor here. He could swim very well, and was planning on climbing onto the stony shore. "Watch the the ship!" He called out against the wind, dropping his helmet and shedding his layers of fluff. Once he was prepared, he gave his crew nor warning before diving into the icy waves. Quickly popping back up to the surface, he began to stroke through the water, making his way toward the beginning of the small, rocky island, avoiding the jutting wooden ship parts that scattered the area. The Island became silent, just eyes burning at him. There was movement in the water, and a low hum filled the waters. It seemed all around him were staring at him deadly.

There, up high in the rocks, was one pair of blue eyes, admiring the human. The breeze made her brown hair flowed, but still covering her chest. Her fish like tail, swayed as she pulled herself forward, to look at him. There was a small body of water where she laid, her tail silver blue scales was like diamonds. She sang lightly, smiling at the human.

Leifr had reached the pebble massed shored of the cove, and pulled himself up to stand once the water was shallow enough. His tunic was soaking and tightly hugged his muscled skin. Leifr continued walking until he was on dry land, shaking himself of water droplets and run his hands through his now-tangled hair. "Hallo!" He called, hoping for an answer. And an answer he recieved. There was a quiet singing, coming from somewhere near but not close enough. He glanced around, his eyes lightly stinging from the salt water.

Up high in the rocks was a female like figure. She saw his eyes avert at her. A female gasp filled the rocks, and the figure moved. She pushed herself back, hiding from the human. This action was shyness. She gulped, breathing silently. The water moved around as she moved herself back. Leifr heard splashing, and the singing immediately stopped, he turned towards the sound, spotting a cave filled with the light, though dark clouds loomed overhead. He began to quietly pad towards the area, glancing around in search of the noise's creator.

She looked back at him, and went into the water to follow him. She knew her way around the rocks, and she could see in the dark. She was different, the others looked different from her, she looked more of a human then a mermaid. She watched him from underwater, looking at his legs curiously. She looked at her tail, realizing there was two world between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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