Not a joke? More danger!

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Pabaxel: Hello 👋 , how is your day going?


After the dangerous fight between the Nomu and villains in paper and the second wave of Abaddon n and demons cause Midoriya to go far beyond his limits including his regeneration was slowed down heavily.

After a few days Izuku is discharged from the hospital after a few more check ups with his arms still have phantom pain every now and then.


*His House*

"Midoriya you should go and rest!" ,-said Uraraka trying to stop Izuku from getting off his bed.

"What? Look I'm fine see." ,-he said moving his fingers trying to get up from his bed

"It's not safe." .-said Cindy walking in to the room also telling Midoriya to not push himself today.

"It's fine I will at least give you a ride there." ,-said Izuku ready to jump out the bed.

"Uraraka just say yes, I don't think he will take a no." ,-said Cindy, "but I will take you." ,-she finished as Cathy walking in with all the early commotion.

"Alright let's go." ,-said Ochako leaving Midoriya with Cathy in the room to rest.


Cindy drives Uraraka and drops her off to U.A.
"Do you think he will be okay?" ,-said Ochako worried

"Are you worried? He will be fine once he is heal he will be back like normal." ,-said Cindy driving close to the school.


*Going back to the house*

"They left me didn't they?" ,-said Midoriya not surprised laying in his bed

"They did sir, how your feeling?" ,-said Cathy next to him

"I going fine, can you take off these bandages for me." ,-said Izuku

"Sure." ,-said Cathy removing the bandages off him shortly after.

"Thank you." ,-said Midoriya as he starts stretching his arms, it's been around one week after the invasions and not moving his arms around much.

His mother called him to check up on him. Midoriya told her that he was fine, lots and lots of work to do.

"Anything else sir?" ,-asks Cathy applying new fresh bandages.

"Yeah, how are the turrets going?"
,-asks Midoriya as his property defense systems have been increasing since the incident.

"They are almost finished sir, along with the field generators around the property.",-says Cathy

"How many?" ,-asks Midoriya as his mini project has been developed at a larger scale this time.

"There's 23 turrets, and 9 shield generators as of now." ,-said Cathy scanning the active defenses.

"Nice, I feel more secure about this place now." ,-said Izuku as he laying down in his bed again.

"Sir, there will be individual AI's for each turret." ,-said Cathy taking out her laptop

"For what reason?" ,-asks Midoriya getting back up.

"Just incase someone tries to hack the system, not all systems will go down at one. Since they are all individually protected." ,-said Cathy typing in a few things in the laptop.

Midoriya the Fallen Angel (IzuOcha)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora