Chapter Two

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Clearly, I'm dreaming so I turned over in my bed and drifted off to sleep again until I was drowned in ice cold water.

I screamed and rolled off the cold bed. I look up to see Miss Morton looking over me with a bucket in her hand.

"What was that for?!"

"I told you to get out of bed."

"I thought I was dreaming." I mutter to myself.

"Well, you thought wrong. Get up and jump in the shower. You've got five minutes tops to get dressed and ready."

I silently do as I'm told and jump in the ice cold shower. The only shower that has hot water was Miss Morton's downstairs.

Freezing I try to dry off as much as possible and get dressed in my nicest outfit I had. The one with the least stains and holes.

I pull my hair into a tight ponytail and head downstairs.

"I'm dressed Miss-" I saw Mrs. Blanche and Miss Morton in grossed in conversation and Selena standing beside them puffy eyed.

"What's wrong with Selena?" I growled at them.

Taken, aback they just stared at me. "What did you do to Selena? Why is she crying?"

"Foster, that is no way to talk to—"

"No it's fine, Miss Morton. I understand where she's coming at." Mrs. Blanche says. "Do you mind giving us time to talk?"

Miss Morton nods, "come along, Selena. Let's get you cleaned up."

I watched Selena leave then turned back to Mrs. Blanche.

"You're name is Foster?"

I nod. That's all I really knew was that my name was Foster Hartley. Miss Carey said that my blanket had my name sowed into it.

"My name is Rose Blanche and I know you're wondering what's going on."

I nod and silently.

"Yesterday I came by and picked up Selena and we spent the day together—"

"Did you not want her?" I interrupted, sharply.

"I did, honey but she didn't want to come with me. Not without you."


"I told her I couldn't get both of you. So she told me to take you instead. It's what she wanted."

Tears streaming down my face I ran up to Selena's room.

"Why would you do that?!" I yelled at her. "Why didn't you go with her?! She was going to adopt you!"

"She wouldn't take us both. So I want you to go instead."

"I can't just leave you here!" I cried out.

She was three the first time her first family ever gave her back and she was crying alone In a corner. I came up to her ad told her that I would be there for her and ever since I have been. She's been my little sister and to just leave her wouldn't be right of me yet she took no for an answer. She helped me pack what little things I had in a garbage bag and walked me downstairs to Mrs. Blanche.

"It's hard to think you're just nine years old." I whispered to her.

"It's a hard knock life." She sings and I laugh through the tears.

"I'm going to miss you, Foster."

"I'm going to miss you too, sweetie belle."

"Don't forget to write."

"I won't." I wouldn't let go of her hand so she physically put my hand into Mrs. Blanche's.

"Bye." I whisper, she waves and sobs into Miss Morton's dress.

"All the paper work is done. You'll be living with me now!" She says excitedly.

I just stare out the window crying. "Oh honey. It's going to be alright. You'll see her again one day. For now enjoy your new life!"

"You're right but it's hard to when no one ever wanted me and how do I know you're not going to just give me back?"

"I understand your cautious but over time you'll learn to trust us."

"Us?" I ask her.

"The reason I couldn't adopt both of you was I had already adopted four others before I came to Saint Mathis. You'll love them; it's the twins; they're seventeen, and an eight year old boy and a boy your age. I even have my own daughter she's eighteen. She'll have old clothes for you to try on."

I just look out the window contemplating what my new life was going to be like. "Will I get my own room?"

She laughs, happy that I'm starting to talk to her. "If that's what you want?"

I nod eagerly. "Can I paint it too?"

"Paint it? Why would you want to paint it?" She asks curiously.

"Selena and I talked about this perfect room and I think it's my duty to make it happen for the both of us."

"Sure then, honey. You do whatever you need to it."

And so I explained everything we had planned out and after shopping all day we stopped and ate at McDonald's.

It tasted so good eating food that wasn't burnt, over cooked and microwaved.

Mrs. Blanche and I got along so well and we finally made it to the house. It was a huge country house with a huge porch with rocking swings. The inside was beautiful you had the living room on the right and the kitchen on the left and walking straight there was the dinning room and a door that led to the patio. Mrs. Blanche took me to some stairs and onto he second floor. There was six bedrooms evenly spaced out. I got the one on the far right. It was big and had a small bathroom.

"I get my own bathroom too!?" I squeal. I had a big bed to myself and a huge walk in closet. "This is so amazing! Wait, there's already clothes in here." I look at Mrs. Blanche confused. "Is this not my room?"

"Yes dear it's your. So are these clothes. Whatever doesn't fit you put in the bag with your old clothes, okay?"

I nodded, quietly touching all the clothes.

"I'll leave you to adjust. I'll call you down when the family gets here, okay?"

I just nod, I was speechless. She left the room and I decided I would take. Bath. I grabbed what looked like pajamas and turned the water to steaming hot. It would be the first time I would have hot water and I wasn't going to miss out on the chance to try it.

It burnt as I slipped into it but it felt so nice that I didn't voter turning it down. When the tube got full, I turned to water off and just soaked.

It was an hour later and I was getting dressed when I heard Mrs. Blanche calling, "Foster dear, they're on their way!"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!! :):):)

Do thing Foster's new family is going to like her or will she be sent back?????

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