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It smelled like urine. The smell was not foreign to the walls of the old battered hospital. My bag was filled with four different books. In my hand I held a list that contained four different room numbers. Each number belonged to a coma patient. Every Tuesday and Thursday I came to read to the four patients. I needed the volunteer work, so my college applications would look honorable. It was my first visit to the hospital. I was making my way to the last patient, to whom I was going to read the Harry Potter series.

My first three patients consisted of two elderly women and one elderly man. The first woman had a bare room, leading me to believe she had no family. The other woman's room was filled with flowers and pictures of her and a younger woman, who I assumed was her daughter. In the man's room was not only him but his wife, who was a kind hearted woman. She explained to me that her husband had kidney surgery a few months back and had been in a coma since. She quietly listened to me read the first part of the first book from the Divergent series to him.

When my feet thumped against the tile I expected to see another elderly man or woman, as it seemed to be a recurring theme throughout my trip. I looked down at my list then back up to the numbers on the walls. 210, 212, 214. 214 was the room I was looking for. I knocked then I quietly opened the door and peeked my head inside. There was no one in the room, except the body that occupied the bed. I looked around the room which was also filled with flowers and pictures. Then I looked at the bed. Much to my surprise it contained a boy no younger than myself. The boy laid lifeless with a mess of brown hair and his skin was a copper color.

I placed myself in the chair beside him and pulled out the first book of the Harry Potter series from my worn messenger bag, "I'm Raylynn and I'll be reading to you. I saved the best for last, you get the Harry Potter series."

I opened my book and began to read to him. I got through two chapters before it was time to take my leave, "That's where we'll leave off. See you Thursday."

Before leaving I examined one of the pictures closely. The picture had the boy who laid in the bed standing next to a man, who I assumed was his father since they look so much alike. They were both smiling brightly at the camera, it contrasted greatly to the inanimate boy I saw laying in the bed. I saw the boy had striking emerald green eyes.

I took one last look at the boy before leaving the hospital room. I felt my heart sink. It was hard seeing someone so young clinging to life. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to what happened to him. I assumed it was some freak accident.

As I left the hospital I let the whole thing slip to the back of my mind. I started focusing on the insane amount of homework I had waiting back home. For once I was glad for the distraction.


It had been five weeks since I first started to visit the patients. In the time I had been here I had seen no movement from any of the patients. I was on my way to patient 214. I knocked on the door a couple times then pull open the door.

Taking a few steps into the room I noticed something monumental. The bed was empty and the room was completely bare. I froze in my place. A million thoughts had entered my head at the time. What happened? Did he wake up? Did he pass?

I stood in the room for a few minutes more, then I hesitantly left the room letting the door slam behind me. I walked down the hallway to the front desk. I waited behind this middle aged woman, impatiently tapping the desk.

Finally the woman walked away and I now had the lady behind the desk's attention, "Hello, I was just wondering if there is anyway you could tell me about the young gentleman in room 214?"

"I'm sorry, we aren't allowed to release patients' private information," the lady gives me a kind smile, filled with pity.

After returning the smile, I walked out of the hospital, completely defeated. I suppose this was going to be one of life's greatest mysteries. Kind of like what happened at the end of the Giver, maybe I just wasn't meant to know.


It's has been a year and a half since I last walked into room 214. I don't give it nearly as much mind as I use to. Especially not at 7:43am on a Sunday morning while I'm rushing around trying to get errands done. I am walking down the street with my coffee in hand not paying much attention to anything.

That is until I spilt the blistering hot drink on someone when we accidentally collide. I start apologizing immediately, "I am so sorry. I should have been-"

I then look up and my eyes connect with the most unforgettable green ones. I am as still as stone, I can't believe my eyes. The boy standing in front of me was none other than patient 214.

I can't help but take note of his appearance. He seemed to have come to life and clutched in his hand is a copy of Harry Potter. I finally see the boy take notice of my statue like demeanor, "Don't worry about it, accidents happen."

"Harry Potter, uh? What made you choose that book," I ask, pointing at the beautifully written book.

"I don't know. I just had this feeling one day I should read it. This is actually my third time reading it."

"It's a good series. I can understand why you'd enjoy it so much."

"It is. It was my pleasure bumping into you."

Then he left. After all this time of not knowing I bump into patient 214. I watch after him as he walks away. Still in complete awe. Before he rounds the corner he glances over his shoulder and smiles at me. The same smile I saw in the picture of him with his father.

And in that moment I finally have complete peace, knowing everything is going to be okay.

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