Chapter 21: The other side.

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Dream POV (Bet you weren’t expecting that)
I was sad. I know what you’re thinking, ‘How can the literal embodiment of positivity be sad?’ It’s easy: Ink. He hasn’t been acting like himself. I walked past his room only to see him pacing around talking to an imaginary entity. He’s been doing this a lot. HE becomes upset and it affects the whole multiverse. I started feeling sick more frequently because if all the negativity.
I entered my room and closed door, flopping down onto me bed. There was sudden spike of positivity. I opened a portal ,and in my excitement, almost stepped through until I realized what AU it was. It was the one where Nightmare’s mansion was located. I was shocked that out of all the AUs, this one had the most positivity. Everyone was sat in the living room. They were all laughing and I wondered why until one of the silhouettes moved, revealing a child. I almost jumped in to save said child when I realized that his aura was the most powerful out of all of them.
There was another bout of laughter. It looked like the child was laughing. I started sobbing. I wish there was more positivity. I started to regret choosing Ink’s side and the regret got worse when I spotted my brother on one of he couches. Cross was leaning into him with a content look on his face. My brother was in his non-goopy form but instead of his royal clothes he wore a black shirt with a moon in the middle along with black shorts. He was happy, he was LAUGHING. Something I didn’t think was possible since he ate the dark apples.
I heard arguing from the room Ink was in so I closed the portal and sat down on my now messy bed. I wiped a few tears away. I heard the sound of attacks being fired, realizing how serious the argument had become, I shot up and ran to the room. I was horrified by what I discovered. There was a Sans, scorched beyond recognition. There were bones piercing his chest. I could see the bone marrow as it made a small river, making it’s way to the floor. I heard the subtle drip as it splattered to the ground. I paled and covered my mouth with my hands. The tears returned and I felt sick. The Sans finally dusted, the sound of their soul shattering pushed me past my limit, causing me to throw up.
I heard sniffs coming from the corner and looked up only to see Ink. He was shaking with his hands covering his head. He kept mumbling while sobs racked through his body, "Stop it. Please. I didn't want to. Stop it. Stop it. You said you wouldn't."
I slowly walked closer to him, "Ink?" His head shot up and he scooted closer to the wall.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. HE made me," Ink reasoned. He stiffened and then looked me in the eyes with the most frightened expression I had ever seen. "Run. Dream, Run! Don't let him get you. Run!"
He let out a mangled scream startling me. He grabbed at his throat and dug his finger tips into the bone leaving deep gauges.
He became still and for a moment he I thought he was dead. He started to laugh. It started softly but soon became loud and maniacal. He stood up and brushed himself off. "Now, we can't have you give away too many secrets." I shivered at the foreign voice that came from Ink's mouth. He looked at me and smiled. "Well, well, well. Isn't the little Dream Maker. Inky's told me a lot about you."
"Who are you," my voice shook at the end.
"Oh that's not important," he waved the question off. "All you have to know is that I'm going to end your pathetic existence."
He lunged and I closed my eyes, preparing for the pain. Instead I heard a thud. "Stop it," came the frail voice. "Stop It! Please. Run. Dream, run! Please," he begged. "I don't want to hurt you. Please run."
In my distress I opened a portal to a random AU. My eyes widen at the negativity that surrounded me. Of course, out of all the AUs I chose, it was this one. I heard footsteps behind me and whipped around only to be knocked unconscious, the last thing I saw was a white skeleton with black tears.
I am so, so ,so ,so ,so sorry for the extremely late update. My mom took my phone which means that I didn’t have enough time to type this. There were a few moments that I got it back but not long enough.
I also got an idea to improve the AU which also made me loose motivation for a while. I’m still going to continue this until the other one is 100% ready. Meaning story is written out (which means more frequent  updates), characters drawn and this time around I’ll give them actual personalities to make it easier to work with them. The characters that have different design will also be drawn out (I mean characters like Nightmare, but the only changes are his casual clothes, so no major changes there.)
Lastly, I want to say thank you to all the readers who actually read this and who support me.
That’s all, thank you and good night (it is currently 11:40 where I’m living.)

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