Chapter Thirteen

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As agent Coulson walked onto the bridge in the halicarrier he saw Skylar sitting in a chair near a computer drinking a can of beer

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As agent Coulson walked onto the bridge in the halicarrier he saw Skylar sitting in a chair near a computer drinking a can of beer.

"Do you ever stop drinking?" He asked her as walked closer to her.

"Hmm. No. But I never get drunk so why does it matter."

"Then why do you do it?"

"To at least try."

"How did you even get here?" Coulson asked her.

"Tasha. She came and picked me up. Heard that Tony might be here. Had to make sure that he plays well with others."

"Tomlison, there is something you might want to know."

"Let me guess. It's about some guy or girl Fury wants me to meet."


"Woah this must be serious you never call me by my first name," Skylar said sarcastically. "I'm out of beer. Do you know where the alcohol is stored? I'm thinking of tequila." Skylar got up and started heading out.

"Skylar wait," Coulson called after her.

"Fury, where is this mystery person you wanted me to meet," Skylar said as she approached Director Fury. She saw him and another guy standing at the head of the bridge. They both turned around. Skylar's eyes widened. She couldn't believe it. 'This has to be some sick joke' she thought. "S-steve?" Steves' eyes widened as well. He handed Fury a ten dollar bill. He walked over to her.

"Sky?" He questioned. "Is it really you?"

"Yeah, yeah it is me," Skylar said hugging Steve. Tears started to fill her eyes. They pulled away. Skylar surprisingly hit Steve in the arm continuously.

"Ow! Sky stop! Sky!" Steve said trying to get Skylar to stop.

"You left me! Seventy years!" Skylar yelled at him. She finally stopped hitting him.

"Sky, I'm sorry. But I had to do it."

"I know." She said looking down. "But it didn't hurt any less. How are you here?"

"How am I here? How are you here?"

"Those questions can be answered later. Right now we have an issue at hand. Also Skylar, maybe next time you should answer my calls." Fury said to both of them. Skylar glared at him. She stood next to Steve as Dr. Banner was talking to Fury about finding the tesseract. Steve felt someone grab his hand. He looked over and saw it was Skylar. He couldn't help but smile.

"Don't ever leave me again. Please." Skylar whispered as she looked up at him.

"Never again." Steve couldn't help but look around the room. Skylar couldn't help but giggle. "What?" He asked her. Skylar shook her head at him smiling. Coulson walked over to them.

"Umm. Hi. I was wondering if you could maybe sign my card collection of you?" He asked Steve. Skylar couldn't help but shake her head. She knew how much of a fan Coulson was.

"Uh sure," Steve said while looking at Skylar out of the corner of his eye.

"I mean if it's not too much trouble."

"No. no. It's fine." Steve told him.

"It's a vintage set. Took me a couple of years to collect them all." As Coulson kept talking to Steve, an alarm when off.

"We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match." A shield worker called out. "Wait, crossmatch. Seventy-nine percent match."

"Location?" Coulson asked as he walked over.

"Stuttgart, Germany. Twenty-eight Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding."

"Captian." Fury called out. Steve turned to look at him. "You're up." Fury turned to Skylar. "Feel like coming out of retirement?"


Skylar sat next to Steve on the plane.

"What did Fury mean when he said coming out of retirement?"

"There is a lot we need to catch up on." She told him.

"Guys we are coming up. I see him." Natasha said from the front of the plane. Steve got up from his seat and walked to the door.

"Steve what are you doing?" Before Steve answered, he jumped out of the plane.

"Steve what the hell. Could have at least waited for me." Skylar mumbled to herself as she got up and headed to the door. "Still hate hights." She then jumped out and landed on the ground.

"You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else we ended up disagreeing." She heard Steve say.

"The soldier," Loki said while standing up. "A man out of time."

"I'm not the one who is out of time." Loki looked up and saw the plane in which Natasha was driving.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down," Loki smirked and shot a blast from his scepter towards the plane. Steve threw his shield at him which just bounced right off of his armor. Steve then ran towards Loki and punched him. Skylar ran to the two men fighting. She saw that Loki pushed Steve away hard in which he rolled on the ground. As Steve got up he saw Skylar running towards Loki. Loki blocked every punch and kick Skylar threw at him. Skylar got distracted for a minute when she saw Steve out of the corner of her eye. Loki used this to his advantage and kicked her hard which caused her to hit a wall from a statue. Steve got upset and threw his shield at Loki. Loki looked back at the right second in order to knock the shield away. Skylar looked up to see Steve kneeling and Loki above him holding his scepter to his head.

"Kneel," Loki said.

"Not today." Steve punched the scepter away and kicked Loki in the face. Skylar finally got up and saw Loki throw Steve to the side. As Skylar walked over to Steve, she heard music to play over her earpiece. She knew who it was. She couldn't help but crack a smile. She walked over to Steve and helped him up.

"Make a move reindeer games." She heard Tony tell Loki as the two of them walked over. Loki put his hands up in surrender. "Good move."

"Mr. Stark," Steve said.

"Captain." Tony looked over to see Skylar standing next to Steve. "Godmother," Tony said joking to Skylar. Skylar sent him a playful glare.

"Godmother?" Steve asked her.

"Like I said. We have much to talk about." 

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