Chapter 5: Meeting the Band

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As Patrick's friends continued to all talk, I began to shake as my mind grew foggy and disjointed. Before long, the shaking became bad enough that I fell to the ground where I curled into a ball. The next thing I register is Patrick yelling.
"Enough! I will answer all of your questions in due time, but for right now, you need to be patient. You're scaring (Y/N)." He sat down next to me and set a hand on my quaking shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, you're safe." He grabbed my hand, gently placing it on his chest. "Can you feel me breathing?" I nodded my head. "Good. Focus on matching my breath, okay?" It takes a while, but eventually, I am able to control my breath and stop shaking.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened and now they probably think that I'm even more of a freak an-" I start to apologize, but Patrick interrupts me.
"This isn't your fault. You had a panic attack, which is perfectly understandable considering the given situation." He turns to the other three. "Guys, this is (Y/N). She is from a, well, hidden pocket dimension of llama monsters. She is most likely very new here, and therefore, won't know english." He looks at me. "The curly haired guy is Joe, the guy with the drumsticks is Andy, and the guy who just came in is Pete. We are in a band together, and we call ourselves Fall Out Boy."

Youngblood And Menace (Patrick Stump x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora