Chapter One

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"You have to be freeking kidding me Bill?! I have to move where?!" Olive practically screeched into her black iPhone held up to her ear by her shoulder as she rummaged through her piles of paper with black ink scratched all over it.

"Sorry Oli, that's just how the cookie crumbles in this line of work. I suggest you agree to this move or your job will be on the line and you know how starving writers are, they're going to do anything to take your job from you."

Olive sighs and agrees to the move after her boss Bill threatened to take away her job if she didn't go.

'All the way to Georgia...I can't believe this, I don't know anyone down there! My family,friends, and my boyfriend live in Maine! I can't believe I'm leaving everything for a job, damn I'm desperate!'

I press my fingers into my temple and slowly start to circle them trying to calm my self down. I can feel my eyes starting to create a film and once I blink a tear rolls down my cheek.

I hear my door open and I quickly wipe away my tears, I can tell by the heavy foot steps echoing through out the hall it's Mitch, my boyfriend of 3 years. He's a average hight blonde preppy man who would rather stay in a five star hotel then camp, some people say I'm more of them man then he is. He's never really understood how girls work so when I'm upset he'll just avoid me, so I've gotten used to sucking up my problems and keeping them to my self...

Because of that my best friend Ashely hates Mitch but he's the love of my life I would die for him he would die for me, so she's just going to have to deal with it. She always tells me I can do better and I'm a beautiful young girl who can get any guy I want, but she doesn't realize MITCH is the guy I want.

Mitch walks past me and glances over a couple times he must know something is wrong but he won't say anything.

I want to talk to him but I'm afraid of what he's going to do... either option A which is him getting so mad he does something bad or option B he doesn't care at all. Either option seems like hell to me and I don't want to find out the answer to either of them,so for now I'm just going to ignore it... maybe I won't even have to tell him

"Hi Hun how was your day?" I say to him as he looks through our cabinets, probably for his vodka bottle, if I know my boyfriend that's exactly what he's going to do.

He looks over at me and sighs

"Why do you care? It's work. work is work."

"Well then" I say "next time I won't ask. God"

Mitch slams the cabinet shut pushes me up against the counter, grits his perfectly white teeth and growls "I'm going to the bar.Don't bother to follow me I'll just go to another one"

The grip he had on my neck and jaw loosens as he stared into my eyes almost like he was looking into my soul and he slowly let's go, grabs his keys and leaves.

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