Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

[Spencer's POV]

I'm in my room getting ready for my date with Toby when suddenly a thought crosses my mind.

We haven't heard from Alison in way too long.

She's never this quiet unless she's hiding, plotting, or both.

Which, in all honesty, scares me. Because when Alison Dilaurentis plots, it usually ends up in injuries in the physical or emotional form.

I sigh, shake my head, and push the thought to the back of my mind. Tonight is not the night to worry about Alison.

I'm going to focus solely on spending time with the boyfriend that's put up with way more than any boyfriend should ever have to.

I smile at the thought of how completely amazing and wonderful he is as I continue to put on my makeup having already showered.

I glance at the clock and see that it's almost 5 o'clock. That means I have an hour to finish up. Plenty of time for a Hastings.

When I get my makeup done I head to my closet and pick out a sexy, with the right touch of sweet, red strapless dress that falls to about my knees. The dress isn't tight, it flows beautifully and goes great with the black high-heeled shoes I'm wearing.

Now it's about 5:30, so I head to the bathroom to do my hair.

I decide to go more natural so I blow dry it and quickly curl it the way I normally do.

My, now wavy, medium length, brown hair falls perfectly down my back and frames my face.

Now that I'm done I look in the mirror and smile at the finished product.

And just in time too. Because right at that time is when I hear the doorbell ring.

I grab my purse, phone, and wallet and head downstairs.

When I open the door I see a very handsome looking Toby standing there with a bouquet of red roses.

A huge smile spreads across my face as I take them from him and set them in a vase in the kitchen.

After I do that I walk back over to him and smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you for the flowers. I love them."

"You're very welcome." He says with a smile on his face. "By the way, you look absolutely gorgeous." He says as he places a soft kiss on my lips.

My smile widens and I mumble back, "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

"Why thank you." He replies as he pulls away and grabs my hand. "Shall we go?" He asks.

I smile and take his hand, nodding. "We shall."

And with that we're off. Ready to start our romantic night with just the two of us.





Woah guys! I almost have 1k reads! You guys are seriously so amazing! I really hope you're all liking my story!<3



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