Basic information

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Name: Zenda. Meaning demon in a book she read.

Age: Unknown. "I've lost count..gets old celebrating your birthday after several centuries." Zenda shrugged.( looks about 23)

Species: Wolf demon, hellhound, demon. "I've been called many things but I go by wolf demon sounds better than hellhound.." She grumbled.

Appearance: 6'1 in height with gold eyes that glow brightly, sometimes. Very muscular yet still slim and feminine looking. Long black hair that reaches her mid back. She has a claw make scar raking across her whole face that gives a her unwelcoming look.

Clothing: Normally wears a black tank with dark, ripped jeans and some leather ridding boots.

Accessories: Always wears a medallion around her neck.

Personality: At times unreadable, emotionless, cold, distant, and harsh. But other times is gentle, nice, understanding, calm. She's very loyal and will die for those she cares for. However recently she had become quite distant, lonely, and a down right bitch at times. Trust is no longer a thing she gives out.

Powers: Can cause pain and create illusions.

Strengths: Anyone who is in pain gives her more power to fuel her pain ability.

Weakness: children. She will never harm a child wether it be a possessed child or a murderous child she won't harm it. (That's all your getting -.-)

(Video is her theme song)

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