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Riker's POV-

I have feelings for Ross now I'm gonna confess. I talked to Rydel about it she told me to confess when im ready and now I'm ready.

''Ross can I talk to you in my room?'' I asked.

''Sure.'' He smiled.

That adorble smile.....

We went upstairs to my room and sat down on the bed, and he looked at me waiting for my response.


''Riker are you ok?....... is it about what happend that night?'' Ross asked.

''Uh.....yea.'' I said.

''Ok.'' Ross said. ''You're not mad at me?'' I asked.

''No.'' Ross smiled. ''O-ok I guess I should go now then.'' I said getting up. Ross grabbed my arm.

''That's all.'' Ross asked. ''Y-yea.'' I lied.

''Okay.'' Ross said letting go of my arm. Ross' smile faded.

''Hey uh... do you wanna go to the movie theater with me?'' I asked. He nodded smiling and I smiled back. We both went to the movie theater and took our seats at the back. We were watching the exorcist. I was really scared of that movie but i wasnt paying attention cause I was lookin at Ross. Every time a scary part came out he hugged me tighter. When the movie was over, we were walking to the house since the movie theater was closing. "Ross... I have to tell you something.'' I said stoping walking. Ross stopped walking and looked at me.

''I-I love you.''

''I love you too Riker.'' Ross smiled. ''N-not like that,'' I answered. Ross looked confused. ''I love you more than a brother.'' I said.

Ross was shocked. ''I-I.... uh.'' Ross stuttered.

''Sorry.'' I whispered then ran off. ''Riker wait!'' Ross yelled.

I kept on running until I got to the house, I ran up to my room and into the restroom. I put my legs up to my chest and sobbed into them. He must hate me now. I heard the door to my room open and I figured it was Ross. ''Riker please open, we need to talk about this.'' Ross pleaded.

''Talk about what!? How much you hate me?!" I sobbed.

''I don't hate you Riker, I just dont like you like that. What happened that night was a mistake.'' Ross said.

''Leave me alone Ross!'' I yelled. ''I'm sorry.'' Ross whispered putting his forehead against the door.

''I'm not leaving Riker, .......please open the door.'' Ross whispered enough for me to hear him.

I got up and unlocked the door then opened it.

''What do you fucking want?!'' I yelled.

''I want you to understand.'' Ross said tears streaming down his cheeks.

Ross' POV-

I actually have feelings for him but it's wrong. I want Riker to understand I can't be with him or else he'll cut again and I wont let that happen.

''I want you to leave!'' Riker yelled. I got the back of his neck and pressed my lips on his. We kissed slowly in synyc. I pulled apart and putted our foreheads together. ''I love you riker.'' I said. ''I love you to but you're right, we cant be together, its wrong.'' Riker said.

What the fuck did he just say........

''You didnt feel sparks?'' I asked.

''No I did, just that its not right you have a girlfriend, and what about our family and the fans." Riker answered.

''We can work that out. I can break up with Laura and we can tell everyone when we're ready.''

''Yea but I need to think about it.'' Riker said walking out.

What the heck! I was tryin for him to understand we can't be together, I kiss him, then all the sudden he says its wrong. Did he not like the kiss? I felt sparks, I love Riker a damn lot. I guess I'm gonna have to wait for his desision. I shrugged walking out Riker's room.

A/N: I know its a little wierd but I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for all the comments and votes. <3 :)

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-Ms. Lynch

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