Chapter 2 : The Battlefield

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I woke from my nap to see Annabeth standing above me. "Percy, it's time to get up, we're at the battlefield." She left after making sure I was awake and I got dressed. I grabbed my weapons and went to find the others.

I found them waiting on the deck, the ship was settled on a hill overlooking a flat, grassy field. The camps were waiting for us along with the gods. I could see monsters slowly approaching from far away.

Walking down to the campers, I got ready to fight another war.

~Time Skip~

(The war happened just like the one in the book but Percy was using some of his moves he learned as Kakashi. None of the seven died.)

As I listened to the remaining campers cheering I felt happy. We had won and my friends were OK. I walk over to my dad and I can tell he immediately notices something different about me but doesn't comment on it.

"Alright. Congratulations everyone, we won," Zeus boomed, gaining everyone's attention. "It is time to head back now as we must reward the brave warriors who fought here today." After making sure everyone had heard what he said, he flashed out. Many gods followed his example and most of the campers piled into the vans they had used to get here.

I slowly made my way back to the Argo II with the rest of the seven and made it to my bed before collapsing onto the soft sheets. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

~Time Skip~

When we reached Olympus we exited the ship before heading to the throne room. Jason pushed the giant doors open and strode inside with us following. We were greeted by the sight of the Olympian gods sitting in their thrones, looking tired but happy.

We waited until eventually both camps were waiting for the gods to start. Zeus cleared his throat and started talking. I zoned out for most of it, my shinobi senses unconsciously picking up most of it anyway. Some of the gods were giving me strange looks but seemed to decide it wasn't worth asking about.

As Zeus finished up his speech, he called some campers forward to give them their rewards. Eventually it was only the seven, Nico and Thalia who hadn't been called up.

Zeus called Thalia forward and she kneeled before him. "Thalia Grace," He began. "Do you accept the gift of immortality?"

She looked at him in shock, as did the rest of the campers. Thalia snapped out of it though and smiled at her father. "I accept." She was then surrounded by a silver glow. When it died down she bowed again to Zeus before taking her place back with the others.

He called Nico to him next. "Nico di Angelo. Do you accept the gift of immortality?" Nico looked towards his father who nodded slightly before he smiled. "I accept my lord." He was also covered in a silver glow.

This continued with the rest of the seven before he called me forward. "Perceus Jackson. Do you accept the gift of immortality?" He had a look in his eyes that told me he knew what my answer was already. I sighed before answering. "I'm sorry my lord but I cannot accept this gift." He nodded with an understanding look in his eyes. "Very well," he boomed. "Is there something else you would like from us instead?"

I nodded. "Can you grant Hades nd Hestia positions in the Olympian Council. I think they deserve it after everything they have done for Olympus during the wars," I asked.

Hades and Hestia looked at me in surprise and gratitude. Zeus looked at me with a smile. "If that is your wish then it shall be done. Hades and Hestia shall be made the thirteenth and fourteenth Olympians."

Two thrones rose from the ground, one dark and one bright. Hades nodded to me in thanks before sitting in his new throne whilst Hestia ran up to me and hugged me before she sat in her throne.

I bowed to the gods before taking my place with the campers. Some smiled at me whilst others looked at me in awe. Zeus then stood from his throne to give us one last speech but was interrupted by three flashes.

Three old ladies with knitting needles were standing in the throne room. I had come across these ladies enough times to know they were the fates. It was silent before the fates began to talk.

"It has come to our attention that some souls have been reunited with their past ones. Some shall remember their past lives whilst many shall not. It is important that those who remember shall reveal themselves before tomorrow in order to figure out who's souls have been lost as it would do no good if a mortal gained information on the Greek and Roman worlds." With that being said, the fates flashed out without another word. The room was silent before people began panicking.

This was bad. The mortals could find out about out world and hunt us down to find a way to make weapons out of us or experiment on our powers. At least I know how I gained my memories now. The talking became louder and louder before people began screaming and panicking.


People began leaving the room but my dad caught my eye and nodded to a room in the back of the throne room. I nodded back and walked out the door before vapor travelling to the room.

I appeared before dad and he looked at me in pity and sadness. He must have figured it out. I cleared my throat and he took that as a sign to speak.

"So," he began. "What's your name?"

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