Imagine (Requested)

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Special shout out to @Sammie924 (our first requester)

Sam's POV

It's another long night and Ashton isn't home after he promised it would be our date night. I bought a new dress, did my hair, made us spaghetti lit candles the real deal and he hasn't showed up. No text messages or phone calls nothing. I blew out the lavender scented candles threw out the food and lugged myself upstairs changing out of the red and black laced dress putting on a sweater and pajama shorts lying down and falling asleep quickly. After a while I woke up due to a crash downstairs.

"Ashton?" I called out walking downstairs, I walked into the kitchen to see him looking through the fridge. "You wouldn't be there right now if you were here THREE HOURS AGO!" I said raising my voice.

"Sammie what are you going on about?" he asked just adding fuel to the flame already high and mighty.

"Oh you know promising a date night and not showing up is kinda a stab to the heart especially when I buy a new dress and cook for you because I actually care!" I screamed tears brimming my eyes.

"Sammie I'm so sorry I-"

"Save it Ash, I won't be staying here tonight so enjoy having the bed to yourself," I said going back upstairs and packing a bag.

"You're being ridiculous! It's just one night!"

"Really? What about my birthday! Going to my parents' house for Christmas! OUR ANNIVERSARY ASHTON!" I screamed at him.

"Why are you being such a whiney cling on!" he shouted back.

"Well I see where our two year relationship stands," I said grabbing my keys and bag walking out the house and going to Michael's house.

Ashton's POV

I just messed up big time. I knew I missed a lot of things during mine and Sam's relationship but I completely forgot about our anniversary. I'm such a shit boyfriend I need to go and make things right with her, I love her so much and if I lose her I'll be nothing.

Sam's POV

I pulled up to Michael's house at three in the morning pounding frantically on his door.

"Sam? What's wrong?" He asked with wide eyes pulling me into the house.

"Ashton and I got into a fight," I said gasping for breath due to how hard I was crying.

"Hey, hey, Sammie breathe. Calm down," he said soothingly and sat me on the couch. I took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down telling Michael the whole story. We were both silent for a while and then Michael leaned in and kissed me (his lips are frickin huge!) I pulled away quickly.
"Oh my god Sammie I'm so sorry it was heat of the moment and oh god," he rambled.
"Mikey it's fine I'm just as guilty as you are."
"You betcha" I heard from behind me.
"Uhm, I'll give you guys some alone time..." Michael said rubbing the back nervously.
"Sammie, I'm sorry that I missed our date night, I'm sorry for missing Christmas with your parents and I'm so so sorry I missed our anniversary, I know I've been a shit boyfriend and I can change, but please just stay with me, I love you and the thought of loosing you terrifies me."
"Ash. I forgive you and I love you too, beyond words"
"Repeat I love you. Just without the 'too' part"
"I love you?" I asked looking at him slightly confused and he smiled.
"I don't believe in saying 'i love you too' because then it sounds like an agreement" he said and then kissed my lips passionately. "Lets go home babe."

Hey Sammie! I hope you enjoyed your imagine! I'm sorry I took so long! Xx, Taneisha

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