Now Boarding

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Kim was finally going home.

After spending ten months in South Korea, she had had her fill on the beautiful culture and amazing scenery. She'd filled her phone almost to its limits with pictures of the city and of her and her Korean friends. She'd eaten enough udon and kimchi to satisfy her ancestors three times over. She'd bought so many clothes she had to buy two more suitcases to carry under the plane so she could keep the closet she had acquired over the year. Her time spent in Korea had been magical and even more fulfilling than she could have ever expected it to be, but now she was prepared to embark on her journey home.

That is if she could find the proper gate.

Seoul was indeed a big city, and Kim knew a thing or two about big cities. With its streets winding every which way, crowds of people walking the streets adhering to their busy schedules, and city lights that seemed never ending, it seemed its airport had to be just as big and confusing if not more; and Kim had not spent ten months in the airport to familiarize herself with its routes.

She stood with a pout as she gazed up at the airport directory with furrowed brows, clutching onto her backpack. Her hair was haphazardly tied up into a high pony tail and her glasses sat comfortably on the bridge of her nose. She had made a promise the night before to dress comfortably, but had ended up compromising with herself as she settled with a creme colored turtle neck that lay under a light brown coat that hung down to her knees, black leggings she wore in place of sweats, and black chucks that replaced a pair of socks and slides.

Her ebony eyes quickly darted over the directory, once, and then twice. While she was fluent in in three languages, Korean being one of them, the board (even with its brightly colored arrows and large labels) still made no sense to her no matter how far she tilted her head or how hard she squinted. If there was anything she was illiterate in directions would be it, having gotten lost in her own dormitory more than once. Kim huffed in annoyance, reaching into her pocket and taking her boarding pass out as she scrutinized its wording once more.

"D5," she muttered to herself looking around before sulking at the realization she was surrounded by gates beginning with the letter 'G'. "I thought airports were supposed to make traveling simpler," she sighed as she began walking. If she followed the numbers as they declined she would have reach the Bs eventually right?

Lucky for her, she had chosen to arrive at the airport a few hours early anticipating her disorientation so she needn't exert herself in an attempt to track down her flight gate in a panic. She had just under an hour until they began boarding and economy usually entered the plane last.

Kim's gaze wandered as she gave a light hum along to Nina Simone's Feeling Good which gently played over her head phones. Her hums more so in tune with the piano keys, violin strokes, and trumpet blares rather than the singer's soulfully passionate ballad.  The music along with the comfort that she was finally returning home was enough to place her in a lovely mood, the ghost of a smile clinging to her lips as she watched the G gates slowly turn into Fs and then Es. She was close.

Kim's pace came to a stop as the left over essence of lunch's rush teased her sense of smell. She pouted turning towards a restaurant to her left, staring it down.

Minutes later, left the restaurant, bag of togo containers in hand. Now she was really prepared for the flight. She looked out, shielding her eyes as if she were an explorer before the small lettering of 'D5' waved hello in her field of vision. She immediately began towards it, finding a seat near the gate with fifteen minutes to spare. Not bad for a foreigner.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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